aytobe conversion to tom tom


Inactive User
May 4, 2006
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try this for size
this is what i done to get it working on my system
i didnt write it.
i just copied and pasted it
a big thanks to jthspace for spending the time and writing it out

nstall ACTIVESYNC on your PC/Laptop

Connect the A2B unit by USB

When it asks "Do you want to set up a Partnership" say YES

After the partnership is created, go to Tools / Backup-Restore

Create a FULL backup and get the file saved to DESKTOP. It will be called "backup.stg" Rename this to "backuporiginal.stg"

Have a couple of minutes break and double-check all of the above instructions again.

Download the file "backup.stg" from

Save it to your DESKTOP

Download the file "Flash Storage.rar" from

Save it to your DESKTOP and unrar it so you see a folder called "Flash_Storage"

OK, you will also need all the TT 6.02 files and the UK / Europe map but unfortunately, this runs to about 250 Mb in size. It is in four files on Rapidshare as they have a file size upload limit. Download all four files to your HD (I use c:\downloads). Unrar the first file and it will automatically unrar file 2 and 3 and 4 into a new folder called "MMC_Storage"; so to continue :-

Download the four files "MMC_Storage.part1.rar", "MMC_Storage.part2.rar" and "MMC_Storage.part3.rar" and "MMC_Storage.part4.rar" from

Once they are unrar'ed, copy the new folder "MMC_Storage" to your DESKTOP

OK, that's the hard part done. On your desktop you now have THREE new items :-

1. backup.stg (a file)
2. Flash_Storage (a folder)
3. MMC_Storage (a folder)

Using ACTIVESYNC, browse to the A2B unit and using Explore, find the "Flash_Store" folder. Copy the files from the DESKTOP Flash_Storage folder into the Flash_Store folder on the A2B. Say "yes" if it asks you any over-write questions.

Using ACTIVESYNC, browse to the A2B unit and using Explore, find the "MMC_Store" folder. Copy the files form the DESKTOP MMC_Storage folder into the MMC_Storage folder on the A2B. Say "yes" if it asks you any over-write questions.

Have another 5 minute break and double-check all of the above instructions again. We are almost there . . . Laughing

OK, nicely rested, so on with the final part.

Using ACTIVESYNC go to Tools / Backup-Restore

This time, you are going to RESTORE the A2B using the backup.stg file you downloaded to your DESKTOP. Follow the on-screen options and do a full RESTORE. You will get a message saying that you have to reset your device. Answer yes. DO NOT RESET YOUR A2B. Disconect the USB lead.

Your A2B should now be showing a blue background and a My Computer icon.

Double-click on the My Computer icon

Double-click on teh File_Store icon

You will see a red RESET icon

Double-click on the RESET icon - Click YES

Double-click on the RESET icon - Click NO

Unit will turn off, this is normal.

Switch on using the front button

You should now have a nice white WIN CE desktop with a toolbar. From now on, you will switch off your unit by touching START / Suspend.

Only a couple more stages to get TT6.02 to work.

Take a quick rest - 2 minutes.

OK, double-click My Computer

Double-click File Storage

Double-click REGSTUFF

Double-click TRE

File / Import Registry / Flash_Storage / Regstuff / TTN6.reg and click "OK"

"X" all the way back to the desktop

Double-click My Computer

Double-click File Storage

SINGLE click on MobileNavigator icon

Edit / copy

Double-click on WINDOWS

Double-click on DESKTOP

Edit / Paste

REPEAT THE ABOVE bit for XPLAYER and Settings to create shortcuts on the Win CE Desktop.

"X" all the way back to the desktop

WELL DONE - You now have a WIN CE machine running TT 6.02

If the battery ever goes flat, all you have to do is re-run the Registry hack and the desktop icons. This can now be done at anytime, even "on the road". However . . . . . .

NEVER NEVER NEVER turn the unit off from the little switch at the back otherwise you will have to redo everything from the very star.

i tried to download the files from rapidshare but it says "linklist is password protected " , what's the password please ?
try this for size
this is what i done to get it working on my system
i didnt write it.
i just copied and pasted it
a big thanks to jthspace for spending the time and writing it out

nstall ACTIVESYNC on your PC/Laptop

Connect the A2B unit by USB

When it asks "Do you want to set up a Partnership" say YES

After the partnership is created, go to Tools / Backup-Restore

Create a FULL backup and get the file saved to DESKTOP. It will be called "backup.stg" Rename this to "backuporiginal.stg"

Have a couple of minutes break and double-check all of the above instructions again.

Download the file "backup.stg" from
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

Save it to your DESKTOP

Download the file "Flash Storage.rar" from
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

Save it to your DESKTOP and unrar it so you see a folder called "Flash_Storage"

OK, you will also need all the TT 6.02 files and the UK / Europe map but unfortunately, this runs to about 250 Mb in size. It is in four files on Rapidshare as they have a file size upload limit. Download all four files to your HD (I use c:\downloads). Unrar the first file and it will automatically unrar file 2 and 3 and 4 into a new folder called "MMC_Storage"; so to continue :-

Download the four files "MMC_Storage.part1.rar", "MMC_Storage.part2.rar" and "MMC_Storage.part3.rar" and "MMC_Storage.part4.rar" from
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

Once they are unrar'ed, copy the new folder "MMC_Storage" to your DESKTOP

OK, that's the hard part done. On your desktop you now have THREE new items :-

1. backup.stg (a file)
2. Flash_Storage (a folder)
3. MMC_Storage (a folder)

Using ACTIVESYNC, browse to the A2B unit and using Explore, find the "Flash_Store" folder. Copy the files from the DESKTOP Flash_Storage folder into the Flash_Store folder on the A2B. Say "yes" if it asks you any over-write questions.

Using ACTIVESYNC, browse to the A2B unit and using Explore, find the "MMC_Store" folder. Copy the files form the DESKTOP MMC_Storage folder into the MMC_Storage folder on the A2B. Say "yes" if it asks you any over-write questions.

Have another 5 minute break and double-check all of the above instructions again. We are almost there . . . Laughing

OK, nicely rested, so on with the final part.

Using ACTIVESYNC go to Tools / Backup-Restore

This time, you are going to RESTORE the A2B using the backup.stg file you downloaded to your DESKTOP. Follow the on-screen options and do a full RESTORE. You will get a message saying that you have to reset your device. Answer yes. DO NOT RESET YOUR A2B. Disconect the USB lead.

Your A2B should now be showing a blue background and a My Computer icon.

Double-click on the My Computer icon

Double-click on teh File_Store icon

You will see a red RESET icon

Double-click on the RESET icon - Click YES

Double-click on the RESET icon - Click NO

Unit will turn off, this is normal.

Switch on using the front button

You should now have a nice white WIN CE desktop with a toolbar. From now on, you will switch off your unit by touching START / Suspend.

Only a couple more stages to get TT6.02 to work.

Take a quick rest - 2 minutes.

OK, double-click My Computer

Double-click File Storage

Double-click REGSTUFF

Double-click TRE

File / Import Registry / Flash_Storage / Regstuff / TTN6.reg and click "OK"

"X" all the way back to the desktop

Double-click My Computer

Double-click File Storage

SINGLE click on MobileNavigator icon

Edit / copy

Double-click on WINDOWS

Double-click on DESKTOP

Edit / Paste

REPEAT THE ABOVE bit for XPLAYER and Settings to create shortcuts on the Win CE Desktop.

"X" all the way back to the desktop

WELL DONE - You now have a WIN CE machine running TT 6.02

If the battery ever goes flat, all you have to do is re-run the Registry hack and the desktop icons. This can now be done at anytime, even "on the road". However . . . . . .

NEVER NEVER NEVER turn the unit off from the little switch at the back otherwise you will have to redo everything from the very star.
