Anyone using Crossepg with there box?

I use dream elite phoneix edition, crossepg very easy to setup with it
i use cool epg for vu duo but it works with the dm800 too
Heres a guide how to get it working for you

Download the latest CrossEPG "crossepg-enigma2_0.4.7-svn-56_mipsel.ipk".
Transfer with FTP to the /tmp directory.

Install the .ipk via a telnet session:
ipkg install /tmp/crossepg-enigma2_0.4.7-svn-56_mipsel.ipk

or - using the Gemini File Manager --> /tmp --> highlight the file and press the Green Button (Install) to install.
Reboot the box.

Initial Configuration (CrossEPG should appear under both setup and under extensions).

In the crossepg entry, in setup, have the satellite of your choice activated (if you have *** uk use teh 28.2 setting, not the 28.4). Keep the place to save on HDD (it does not work on USB). Everything else can first stay that way.

In Gemini Blue panel --> settings --> EPG:
Make sure the top EPG options are all off. In the bottom panel use:
File cache = on; change the filename = epg.dat; location = /media/hdd; Automatically save = off.
YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE CACHE FILE NAME TO EPG.DAT, otherwise it will not work.

Restart again.

Go to CrossEPG in the addons panel (press green button). Choose crossEPG, The box should change to a radio channel and the display will show what it is doing now. If everything is successful, crossepg should automatically switch back again to the last viewed channel and have inserted the EPG data for the new station.
Thanks for that and how about black hole nabilo image ? is it similiar?
Thanks for that and how about black hole nabilo image ? is it similiar?

Why do you insist on giving yourself hassle, when you have satmate or rytec, on the blackhole images you won't get a better/ easier epg.

Everytime you get something to work, you wan't to start again!! off your head!! lol.
i thought this is what its all about??

fiddling and learning?>

haha and yes off my head thx?