Anyone got a marine aquarium?


Inactive User
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Dumbarton or Wellingborough
i just bought myself a new aquarium off egay.
i'm coming back to fishkeeping after a few yrs away.

i'v allways kept a tropical community tank before but i'm wondering how much harder and more expensive would it be to keep a marine tank?

could i get fancier fish if i just went brackish?

i know the marine fish are a lot more expensive, i'm talking equipment and ease of keepage.

any ideas?
I just got no time these days,they are a pain to keep in good health.
Before you put any fish in you must run in your water for 6 weeks before you even put any fish in.
get the water perfect beforehand.Use LOTS of fuji rock for good filtration (thats half the battle mate,and you need really decent lighting too...i used metal halides (i kept anemonies).
Get a real good filtation system too as well as the rock .
It costs a LOT of money to keep going (even just for the water changes ) u need RO units for the water .
And the salt ...Live rock (fuji) sand....well....its dear as hell too LOL.
But saying all that,it is a good hobby (if u have a lot of money and time on your hands)
get a goldfish lol
good luck
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Unless you fancy spending all of your time trying to achieve perfect harmony so your £500 a fish don't die, I'd pass on it. I had one and never again, maybe for older people but for people with busy lives its just not practical.

They also smell a bit stinky..
Try some cyclids mate .They are amazing fish you can get some of them eating out of your hand and there are some really pretty looking fish as well
Try some cyclids mate .They are amazing fish you can get some of them eating out of your hand and there are some really pretty looking fish as well

i'v had zebra & bumble bee cichlids before

i fancy some discus but i'v heard they need 100% perfect conditions aswell.
anyone know anything about these?
Nah ive got some discus /tiger oscars (lovely) scat /silver dollar / plecs / pictus /black ghost knife fish (amazing) etc and i don't really look after them properly but they are getting bigger by the week .Its amazing how hardy these fish are
Nah ive got some discus /tiger oscars (lovely) scat /silver dollar / plecs / pictus /black ghost knife fish (amazing) etc and i don't really look after them properly but they are getting bigger by the week .Its amazing how hardy these fish are

Agreed, I got 3 Oscars in 2 tanks in 1 tank i got a pair (1 @11" and 1 @10") in the other tank i got the nasty one :D(about 9" of pure satanism), they will just about live in pea soup, we rescued them when they were young and their living standards were disgusting, we now have them taking prawns out of our hand & playing with ping pong balls in the tank :D