Anyone got a landlord tenancy agreement template ?


VIP Member
VIP Member
Apr 12, 2007
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Renting a house out and looking for a tenancy agreement. Needs to have prive paid per week, date of moving in and needs to be for partially furnished home, shorthold 6 months.

Anyone help.

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r u in scotland or england m8? the rules are different. i use the lawpack one from whsmith, it only about a fiver and its a proper legal document and has a full list of dos and donts for you and tennant too. ill find a link to it. usually in stock instore m8.
I am in Wales, on the form i filled in for the claim for housing benefit i put partial furnished as option. It has everything though.

Wish i could get one in pdf format, or someone could scan one ?

Just write the council a letter stating who moved in when dates etc etc.
it has a moving in date, if u need anything else u need to write them a letter. u r not lible for council tax for tennants. as long as you have proof there was a tennant in the house.
I have got a tenancy agreement which a friend of mine uses for his properties unfortunately it exceeds the DW upload limit. If you want to PM me with your email address I will attach and send to you.