another new laptop thread - acer 7730


Inactive User
Jul 26, 2005
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Weegie Town
Acer 7730 Laptop - Buy cheap Acer laptops including the Acer 7730 at PC World.

Been looking at this lapop. seems quite a good deal to me. Other than size of the hardrive and no graphics card. using it mainly as a cheap laptop option for music making so dont need things like fancy graphics card or blueray. Seems i ave a decent cpu and 4 gig ram and 17" screen which were my main 3 criteria.

anyone any opinion on it.

£449.... seems alright to me. the equivalents with a graphics card and bigger hardrives are £599 or thereabouts.
when you say it doesnt have a graphics card !!

do you mean a recognised gaming graphics chip set ?

it looks lik it comes with integrated 3D graphics, featuring Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X4500MHD
aye thats what i meant.It does not have a dedicated graphics card.

Again though, not gonna be using it for gaming though so its not a biggie.

It might be too late and you might have already splashed out.

If not then I strongly advise that you don't buy from PC world. In my youth I bought two desktops from them and had nothing but trouble.

I recently bought an ACER 5620 Extensa laptop from <> and it's the nuts!. They have some great deals and always give advice should you email or call them.

I can't praise these guys highly enough and NO I don't work for them , I just think we should support independent firms like this who are competing against the purple shirt brigade.

Oh and they are MUCH cheaper too.

Hope this helps.


aye thanks.

I was a bit forced to use pc world as it was vouchers i had won at work that i was spending. Would have went to ebuyer or something otherwise as they are superb.

i did get the above laptop though and i am well chuffed with it. first laptop i have ever owned and it has vista basic on it and its definately bringing me round to it. It found and set up my wireless straightaway with no tweaking whatsoever. I did go in and make a few adjustments though for better security and what not. the screen is massive for laptop 17" and once i had uninstalled the usual preinstalled guff i have a very nice laptop. not very portable but that was not its intended purpose... more of a desktop for the lounge. I can now control all pcs in the house from the laptop using ultravnc and fanny about with music apps using this laptop. I am very pleased it. Performance seems fine.

ONe thing i would say is that there really is no point paying extra for the other versions of vista IMHO. The basic version is fine. You can get apps that do the stuff that the other version of vista can do.

I took the mcafee intenet security off and put on that free comodo internet security suite. Seems very good so far and decent memory usage but as laptop has 4gig ram its not really been an issue anyway.

happy as larry..