Another great site gone Usenet-Crawler

Check this : Usenet Special Offers And Coupons – UsenetReviewz you will find all you need about new and old nzb'sites. There are free ones like and vip only like, you will find a review about all of them. What you wont find is an invite for members only like or I'll be glad to get an invite for one of them as a backup if one more of my favorites goes down. Do you know somebody who could send me one?

I have to say that I know a lot of people rave on about but having recently got myself an account there its nothing special, there are plenty of other alternatives just as good. Don't know about, never tried it.
Well it seems that I have got it working. So here's a couple of questions.

What is the best way to automate the update_binaries & update_releases php files. Could it be done in windows task manager?

It's been a long lone time since I was downloading headers to find stuff, so what are the best groups to use for TV shows, mainly HD 720 etc...

Well it seems that I have got it working. So here's a couple of questions.

What is the best way to automate the update_binaries & update_releases php files. Could it be done in windows task manager?

It's been a long lone time since I was downloading headers to find stuff, so what are the best groups to use for TV shows, mainly HD 720 etc...


If you look under misc\update_scripts\win_scripts there is a runme.bat which at least will get you up and running. On the forums there are some alternates which including multi-tasking and better reporting.

Best thing to work out groups is search another site (like mine or binsearch) for the stuff you want and see which groups they are posted in. There are ones like a.b.boneless and a.b.etc which are huge and contain all manner of stuff.
Yea finding a place to join is hard because the good places you want are the ones that are closed and quiet. Me I just want to get a email/url to a couple of places so i can request to placed on the mailing list/waiting list.. jump thru some hoops etc.. Some of the good places don't even have a search engine address. Me i miss the original Newsbin, was on that place for many a year till they closed and reopened to Newsbin2 then to Nzbmatrix and so on.. but sure beats the old ways of ftp courier/mirc then to loading all newsgrps headers and searching manually. I think even a place that u pay for monthly is fine as long as its quiet, lol paying for a few servers per month now
Madnlooney I saw you tried to reply to my pm, thanks for trying. Do to my new status I'm not allowed more than 2 messages at once. So I've deleted my messages. I'll try to post a few things to upgrade my status around here. I usually practice the closed mouth draws no foot motto.