

DW Regular
May 12, 2001
Reaction score
I would like to start a little competition here LOL.(if anyones interested)<br />I reckon that a good few of us use Zone Alarm or similar program. Right?<br />Well how many times do you get an alarm in say…2 months?

I know that they aren’t all genuine attempts to probe your PC by lets say “undesirables” but looking at my log. I have over 1000 alarms, this year alone! (I get sick of them at times LOL)

Should I be concerned…or paranoid even! Was I once an open target?????<br />Or can you beat that!!!

Regards<br />Diamond <img src="smile.gif" border="0"> <img src="smile.gif" border="0">
Zone alarm even registers links to my site and speccys through my site. so about 120 in the last 30 days! Is that a good starting point!
My little icon is forever flashing using NIS. I have got used to it now so it does not bother me. All I know is that when its flashing then its telling me that its doing its job so I dont worry about it.
Well how about 430 alarms in just 2minutes 14 seconds <img src="mad.gif" border="0"> <br />It would have been a lot more I fear, only I dropped my connection <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

I think I know who to thank for that! <img src="biggrin.gif" border="0"> <img src="biggrin.gif" border="0">
thats to much diamond someone is scanning you !!!! hmm the good thing though is that zone alarm has prevented it <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

but still someone is trying to gain access to your machine the other good thing which in turn could also be bad is that if say a wanna be hacker does find an open port ??? they would not know what to do with it <img src="smile.gif" border="0"> but like i said, what if it was someone who knew what they was doing ??? then you could have your machine killed or worst they could make your HD un-recoverable etc (get the drift)

the thing about port scanning by people is that they will scan a whole list of IP's ie - now thats a lot of IP's but they would only scan for one port lets say port 1345... right lets say that a trojan works that port (remember im making this all up) trojan is called "fairyup" (yes i just washed the plates lmao)... so they are searching like 7000 people machine's and they only need to find one to use the server version of that trojan and mash up your PC.

now what has happend to you is that one person is looking for "one" open port and searched over 450 ports looking <img src="frown.gif" border="0"> but i bet there was more but zonealarm only gives out a certain amount on the logs .

so what you need to do is really check your machine for virus, trojans, worms etc using a good virus software i recommend nortan 2002

but for sure you have been the victim of a port scanner.

i normally get about 6 a day ??? attemps but like i have stated before most of it is just request's bumping around the net and hitting your ip <img src="smile.gif" border="0">