Sensible Topic Agency Worker's


Worldz Biggest Oddball
VIP Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Colorado Lounge
If you're working in a place via an agency, is there a time limit where they have to take you on properly?
A mate of mine has been in this place for nearly 20 year's, and he's still agency. Surely that can't be right? He's missed out on 20 year's of pension ffs.
No limit, but after 12 weeks they should get the same rights and benefits as a permanent member of staff. That being said most agency workers do not want that as they either earn more or have more freedom as to how they work, which is why they are agency rather than perm in the 1st place.

Answered as the general manager of a supply teaching agency
Agencies now also have to pay into pensions
Yes i think everyone has a NEST pension. It's nothing like as good as the pension he'd have got from the place he's in. Also doesn't get sick pay etc.
No we dont pay sick pay, but as I say if someone wanted after 12 weeks to have the same rights and benefits as at perm member of staff we would talk to the company for them. The issues are that if they are paying the same wage and benefits to an agency worker they will in real terms have to pay more as the agency needs to make money too.

The whole agency thing works well in short to mid term assignments. In very long term like what you are describing there has to be some other reason why he has not gone perm, as it would normally be cheaper for the client that way
Years ago (around 20) my department in Royal Mail used to take on agency staff on short term contracts.
After 12 weeks the contract ended, a week break and then the new short term contract was started.
The agency staff didn't seem to mind as Royal Mail was paying well above minimum wage.
Yes there used to be that system in place, but I think it was dependant on the company (Public/Private sector). IIRC if you worked for the council for x amount of time, then they had to offer you a proper contract and stuff. That doesn't really exist anymore, and agency/contract work is pretty prevalent in most businesses these days.
The only agencies I can recall when I left school were for typists and the like. They were purely temporary, mainly covering holidays, pregnancy etc;
Now they are everywhere. With agency workers being treated like 2nd class workers with few rights the Government stepped in around 2010 to make their lot a better one. Unfortunately they also gave the Employers a get out clause at the same time. The Swedish derogation or whatever it was called.

The plethora of agencies and the blatant abuse of the minimum wage laws really screwed over the Brit looking for work. I mention the minimum wage as I seem to recall it was brought in to help the notoriously underpaid catering and hospitality staff. Soon afterwards it was used as a yardstick to bring wages down by unscrupulous employers.

Perhaps the worst culprits of this practice was the Agencies themselves.
The only agencies I can recall when I left school were for typists and the like. They were purely temporary, mainly covering holidays, pregnancy etc;
Now they are everywhere. With agency workers being treated like 2nd class workers with few rights the Government stepped in around 2010 to make their lot a better one. Unfortunately they also gave the Employers a get out clause at the same time. The Swedish derogation or whatever it was called.

The plethora of agencies and the blatant abuse of the minimum wage laws really screwed over the Brit looking for work. I mention the minimum wage as I seem to recall it was brought in to help the notoriously underpaid catering and hospitality staff. Soon afterwards it was used as a yardstick to bring wages down by unscrupulous employers.

Perhaps the worst culprits of this practice was the Agencies themselves.
I am not saying there are not bad agencies the same as most sectors, but the vast majority are honest and trustworthy. I for instance work in education recruitment, no one that works through me is anywhere near the minimum wage, before that I used to recruit design engineers for the oil and gas industry, I sure that you can imagine what sort of daily rates they were on.

All of my teaching personnel work though an agency because it suits them, anyone of them could get a perm job if they wished but do not want to
I am not saying there are not bad agencies the same as most sectors, but the vast majority are honest and trustworthy. I for instance work in education recruitment, no one that works through me is anywhere near the minimum wage, before that I used to recruit design engineers for the oil and gas industry, I sure that you can imagine what sort of daily rates they were on.

All of my teaching personnel work though an agency because it suits them, anyone of them could get a perm job if they wished but do not want to
Theres plenty bad for sure, I think many have had family members abused by agencies. Not saying you do, just saying.
Tbh suprised you are still in business after your comments last year ref furlough /government subsidies etc