After Github, Sony Take Down “PS3 Hacks” Related Codes In Gitorious


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After Github, Sony Take Down “PS3 Hacks” Related Codes In Gitorious

by Andrea1Liquid on February 3, 2011 in PS3 Scene

Yes. Sony did again what she does better. What? Adding actual features to the PS3? Oh no…Taking legal actions. Drizztbsd (developer of Gaia Manager) ‘s ps3free repository at Gitorious was removed because of a DMCA Takedown notice from Sony. What else? Apparently Norvegian law forces Gitorious to obey to the order invite of Sony.

PS3: It just sues everyone

EDIT by Dukio: Same things happened before this on Github that involves Graf_Chokolo, Kmeaw and other developers repository. KaKaRoTo has a lengthy text to responds in Gitorious’s blog.

Here’s my answer to you :
You say “If you can provide Gitorious with irrefutable evidence that this code is not violating neither Sony’s copyrights/patents nor Norwegian law”.

We cannot refute a negative, they should be the ones to give evidence that the code is violating their copyright by pinpointing specific lines of code with specific laws. Without any details on what exactly is infringing, we have no way of refuting anything.
They should give exact projects, exact filenames and exact lines of code that are infringing, as well as the exact copyrights/laws that are being infringed. Without that information, we cannot defend ourselves, we cannot simply start guessing and mount a case to defend every single line.
For now, it all seems to be ‘we don’t like these projects, remove them and we’ll use DMCA as an excuse’.

The only proof we can give at this point is : Their entire PS3 system is closed source, there never was any leak of any of their source code, so we couldn’t have copied any of their copyrighted source. Also, we are not distributing any binaries from their system.
What else do you require ?

Thank you.

The Full DMCA Takedown Notice

sourse dukio.
