Access trouble


Inactive User
Sep 27, 2001
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I am not one of the lucky ones whom get internet access at work......

There are computer terminals everywhere, I have lotus notes account for email and access to the intranet…

I was recently given by a colleague a user name and password for access to the internet, when I asked who’s was it he replied he didn’t know just use it wisely…

There must be 40,000 employees with my company so I thought “what the hell”

There are computer terminals everywhere in my company and everyone can log on at each terminal..

I logged on to my regular terminal in the office today and thought I would try the internet access I was given and “yippee it worked fine”….

Problem I found was when I logged out of the system and logged back in again I could access the internet without being prompted for username or password….

I was horrified and logged in as a regular user open to every single employee at team member level, I found out that they could also connect to the internet at this particular terminal !!!!!!!!!!!!

Not only have I accessed an account I shouldn’t have but left the avenue wide open for anyone who uses this terminal…..

Access to many features of the operating system is limited to our computer department….., I think I have after many attempts changed the system to requesting password for accessing the internet…

Can anyone suggest how to change the settings so that I can log online each time with this username and password and the details are not stored for all to use (ps.. I did not click remember password box)

A close call

hi taff, long time no hear :) u ok ?

2 your problem i assume as large organisation u use ie6 ? do u have access to ie settings ?
if u do try clicking in the general tab delete cookies and delete temp internet files.
it seems to have sorted its self out now.....

ive been told by the guy that gave me the password that the firewall keeps the account logged on for a period of time ??

thanx all

