A bit of nostalgia

I remember a good percentage of those, and I'm in my early 40s. I still have a View Master. The disks were a bit trippy, American landmarks like the Grand Canyon to stills from cartoons.

I remember Top Deck shandy, but I'm sure there was also a lime one, both in silver cans.
I remember them all, the TV test card reminds me of TV channels going off for the night before midnight and having only 3 channels.
Bogies and choppers where like gold dust when I was a bairn.
I remember that phone well. We had one when I lived at home back in the 80's.
My dad was sick of me using it all the time so he bought one of those barrel key locks you use to put on No1 to stop you dialing out.

He couldn't figure out why the bill was the same with the lock on so years later I showed him,

Lift the handle and morse code tap the black receiver buttons the number you wanna dial,

He nodded and said,
"Clever, I'll give that one"
I still own the musical box ballerina with my mums tat costume jewelery still in it and the TDK tape?, I've a few of them with BASF chrome , crazy how you forget.

Anyone remember the coin operate Rumbelows TV you'd rent ?. Only scrubbers had them which included my lot, dragged up isn't the word
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Maybe add this forum to it soon, remember when it really was a real digitalworldz forum? all the cable and satellite hacks etc all the experts giving their time free.
Once 28e cs/cable hacks went , the iptv plug n play evolved and then the forum died a death.
Now it consists of jokes, gossip, porn the odd rant and personal attacks its more like facebook than a specialist site.
I remember them all, the TV test card reminds me of TV channels going off for the night before midnight and having only 3 channels.
Bogies and choppers where like gold dust when I was a bairn.
You must be a youngster or have a poor memory as I remember wondering what that button on the side of our TV was when we got a new TV that needed a very firm push to switch from 405 to 625 lines so that we could watch the new 3rd TV channel when BBC2 came out.
Maybe add this forum to it soon, remember when it really was a real digitalworldz forum? all the cable and satellite hacks etc all the experts giving their time free.
Once 28e cs/cable hacks went , the iptv plug n play evolved and then the forum died a death.
Now it consists of jokes, gossip, porn the odd rant and personal attacks its more like facebook than a specialist site.
Since IPTV there's been no need to hack encryption. It's the same on other forums i frequent.
There is a chap on Shack who hack's IPTV panels for free logins, but apart from him, there doesn't seem to be anything happening.
(Not that i can hack, but i used to love trying the tutorials)
I'll give ya a bit of Nostalgia Ferret Stylee

Voyger Season Interface Videocrypt
Sky Auto Update Card Videocrypt
Filmnet box
DMac/D2mac Phone up for the latest codes. Or get them on Newsgroups.
Analogue Cable Mod Chips
Seca Gold card, christ was nothing you could not watch. Puppa & MK
Dargon cam and the like flashing them via a PCMIA interface
Elvis Programmer.
Virgin Cable Box William M programmer
Cable Modem Hacks
PS1/PS2 Mod chipping
Enigma 1 Dm500s
Enigma 2 Dm800hd
Debian Card share servers shared between family and friend not used as an income.

Bloody loads ive missed but a great deal of my hobby wrote down there, god i miss the days you needed at bit of knowledge and a soldering iron to watch some premium TV.
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Anyone remember Space hoppers?

Never got excited at them myself.
Icard, Big Mac (CopCard), Phoenix Interface, Season Interface, Galaxy Smart Cards, Gold Cards.......on an on an on 🤪

Not that I know much about them.......!

On another note......... Butlins Beaver Club