90F heatwave to hit Britain as Met Office issues health alert


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Mar 5, 2006
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Britain is expected to experience a 90F heatwave next week, leading to the Met Office issuing its first Heat Health Alert in three years.

Meteorologists have told the elderly and the vulnerable to stay out of the sun and drink lots of cold water as hot and humid temperatures soar to dangerous levels.

They issued the level two warning, two off the maximum alert, after forecasts showed there was a good chance that temperatures could top 90F (32C) during the day and remain a hot and sticky 64F (18C) at night.

The oppressive heat could, they say, put thousands of lives at risk especially those with respiratory diseases. The 2003 heatwave killed 2,000 people in Britain and tens of thousands more across Europe.

Heat stroke, heat exhaustion and dizziness could also be triggered by the hottest weather by far this summer.

Helen Chivers, meteorologist at the Met Office, said: "This is a warning to keep cool.

"Stay out of strong sun, take on extra drink and if you have elderly neighbours check on them to see that they are okay."

She said taking cold showers, avoiding tea, coffee and alcohol and keeping windows and curtains shut during the day could also help people avoid overheating.

Heat health warnings are issued when both daytime and night-time temperatures are expected to be high.

The greatest risks of the thresholds being exceeded are in the south and the Midlands on Monday and Tuesday but the high temperatures could spread and remain for much of the week.

Following a weekend of warm weather in the late 70s with sunshine and showers, the temperatures will begin to soar.

Temperatures could reach 90F (32C) in London on Monday and Tuesday, with other parts of the country also enjoying prolonged sunshine. Night-time temperatures in London will fall no lower than 66F (20C).

In other regions, daytime temperatures could reach 86F (30C), with night-time temperatures of 64F (18C).

The East of England, South West, South East and the Midlands will see the highest temperatures outside London.

The build up of heat and humidity could set off some thunderstorms but there is just a one in five chance of rain.

The Department of Health said the heat was especially dangerous for the very young, elderly or those with serious illnesses.

In particular, it can make heart and respiratory problems worse. In extreme cases, excess heat can lead to heat stroke, which can be fatal.

"Keeping the home as cool as possible during hot weather and remembering the needs of friends, relatives and neighbours who could be at risk is essential," said a spokesman.

"The elderly and those who are ill, are particularly vulnerable during hot weather and the most oppressive conditions occur in our towns and cities."

The temperatures at Wimbledon have been high all week, with the new retractable roof on Centre Court partially closed to act as a sun shield rather than to fend off the rain.

On Thursday, temperature readings on Centre Court reached 105F (41C)

With the weather forecast to get even hotter next week, heat rules could come into force to aid the players.

Under the standard "heat rule" imposed by the Women's Tennis Association (WTA), if it reaches a certain temperature, players are given the option to leave court for a 10 minute break between the second and third set.

More than 500 people succumbed to the hot weather at SW19 and needed treatment from the St John Ambulance crew in the first week of the tournament.

By Richard Alleyne and Caroline Gammell
90F heatwave to hit Britain as Met Office issues health alert - Telegraph
Just got back from tenerife with temps of 31oC at 7pm im not worried. thats if it ever happens. Im burnt all over already lol.
so chances are its goin to rain...tho according to the report only a 1 in 5 chance of it raining...what exactly does that mean haha
whats the other 4 chances?
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So basically its going to be uncomfortably warm, muggy and overcast for the next few days! I'll believe it when I see it anyway, or rather since meteorologists can't accurately predict any more than 6 hours ahead I'll just wait and see what we get.
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Be the Southerners who get it anyway then there will be a hosepipe ban everywhere threats of droughts, reservoirs drying up. no washing of cars or watering of gardens and then when it does rain we will have flood warnings and it will rain in the wrong places to re-stock the reservoirs.
Oh well just another British Summer then that probably wont happen as they say been going to rain in the North East for last two days very heavy with thunder storms and we only had about 5mins last night and 2 mins today.
90F not hot enough so let enjoy this summer the last 2years we had a crap summer
this year so far has been a cracker compared to the last 2 if you ask me, was told last week that since records began there has never been 3 bad years (in terms of weather) in a row
so far i think the summer has gone pretty well compared to recent summers.. Loads of sun, high(ish) temps.... and the odd days of rain are welcome so everything cools down for a day or two... Long may it continue...
I started having cold baths before I got into bed last year (no, not because my wife doesn't want to have sex anymore!).

I find it really hard to sleep when it's like this. My method works a treat.

Run cold bath 10 mins before bed. Force yourself in, and stay in for at least 2 minutes.

Get dry, boxers on, and shiver under your bed clothes until aforementioned heat restores your body temperature.

Either that or buy a fan; it's up to you.
I started having cold baths before I got into bed last year (no, not because my wife doesn't want to have sex anymore!).

I find it really hard to sleep when it's like this. My method works a treat.

Run cold bath 10 mins before bed. Force yourself in, and stay in for at least 2 minutes.

Get dry, boxers on, and shiver under your bed clothes until aforementioned heat restores your body temperature.

Either that or buy a fan; it's up to you.

is this because your as tight as a duck arse ? lol , get a fan m8
is this because your as tight as a duck arse ? lol , get a fan m8

I suggest an ice cube as a suppository just before bedtime, much cheaper than all of your suggestions. It's all the rage in third world countries.
Im struggling to get a good nites sleep then having to wake up early to catch the train to reading. I got a fan but dont make much difference. Its damn way too hot.

Maybe I shouldnt of put that foam insulation in the roof. Since I put it on its a lot warmer upstairs now. Handy in the winter though
i bought an air con unit 3 yrs ago

i created a special flap then hooks up to my double glazing window [exhaust vent] then can be removed after each summer

i only use it for night times cos i really like my sleep

it has climate control so set it to 20C and off to sleep :)