9 digit code on bottom of screen


Inactive User
Dec 3, 2008
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hi guys i have a virgin tivo box i was watching stoke game over week end and twice for 5 min a 9 digit code poped up at bottom of the screen
does this happend to skyuk sky sports also ? and if it does how does cardshare servers get past this
yeah if they are watching a stream and can make the card number come up they can shut the streams surely.
purely for that purpose

identifies subscriber also believe other providers heading down same route
If the card is in an unofficial receiver though can it still happen? I've only seen it pop up on official receivers, usually at the pub.
Doesnt happen on un official receiver, same way an un official receiver wont show the pub logo.
Doesnt happen on un official receiver, same way an un official receiver wont show the pub logo.

In that case its pretty pointless, most people who are streaming their broadcast will be doing so from an unofficial reciever. I suppose IF sly ever do lock down 100% their network then it'll be more useful.
Doesnt happen on un official receiver, same way an un official receiver wont show the pub logo.

if a pub card (commercial subscription) was used in an unofficial receiver, then it would show the logo on the channels, as this is a seperate channel thats opened by a different tier on the viewing card. the logo isnt overlaid, like the red button, but actually broadcast as part of the image
if a pub card (commercial subscription) was used in an unofficial receiver, then it would show the logo on the channels, as this is a seperate channel thats opened by a different tier on the viewing card. the logo isnt overlaid, like the red button, but actually broadcast as part of the image

I tried this about a year ago with an official pub card, channel opened but no DOGS shown. Maybe I was doing something wrong.