3.65 CFW finished, releasing tomorrow


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May 19, 2005
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Bolton UK
3.56 CFW finished, releasing tomorrow

Well as all you guy's know me ( TRG ) And Dustin have been working on 3.56 for 2 day's now and we finally got it.

We have successfully installed PKG's into the CFW And i am going to say this once ( I HAVE REMOVED THE PART WHEN YOU CAN PLAY BACKUP's)

This is due to the thing that happened to " Geohot " and i aint trying to get my *** beat by Sony.

So that mean's i removed it. Me and Dustin do not support Piracy. Even though we have said " We will Release " .

We feel that it's toooo early to release this ****. So due to that we are not going to release until
January 30th Which is Tomorrow. We will release in the morning at 10 pacific, 9 mountain, and 12 eastern.

Note to Sony: we did not release any of your stupid keys and we don't plan to. We also did not make any tools and don't plan too.
Be on the look out.

Remember, while we have not experienced this, bricking is ALWAYS a possibility.
Video proof will be up soon.
Also, it is possible to log into PSN, however we do not recommend this due to the new HDD scanning feature that has been implemented in the new firmware.

source 3.65 CFW finished, releasing tomorrow - PSX-SCENE: The oldest and most trusted Playstation Scene Community
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Anyone know what they mean when they say "I HAVE REMOVED THE PART WHEN YOU CAN PLAY BACKUP's" and "Be on the look out"? Too cryptic for my feable brain :) Sounds as if playing online will be a no go also. Not sure I will ugrade to the CFW cause I do play FIFA 11 online alot.

I mean what will the CFW be able to do if you can't do that?

I don't blame them for being cautious. I had a read of the court orders against GEOHOT last night - heavy stuff!!
Nice title, thought i must have slept for a few years, 3.65??? lol

Theres nowt out yet for 3.56, and there prob wont be if $ony are going to release a quick fix to sort the hdd issue, so no point, or are they, this is the cat and mouse game now
fake, this will be the same tossers posting youtube links to there site yesterday.

couple of lamers.

post needs locking as theres already people in here who asked where/when its been uploaded.

if anything is released it wont be by a couple of lamers and it will be all over irc before it hits any forum.