Mobile Phones 02 Contract

You can change it, but they normally charge you. Unless its for nuisance callers or something, then you need to get a crime ref and they do it for free.
i'm on O2 and prety much same advice as Janobi, they will charge you, but its not that dear for a decent number.
i think about £30 for a golden number (one thats easy to remember), usually with sets of double numbers repeated.
i have one of these myself and i does make it easier to remember and of course if you are in business thats a good thing!
Mine did not cost me anything to change mine as i had a crime number and was getting texts from a complete muppet threating me, my wife and my kids.
when he threatened my kids is when i involved the police.
He was even stupid enough to use a mobile that was registered to him!
Idiot got done for harresment and threats to a minor.
He got done big time, as the old bill dont take threatening children lightly!
i changed mine about 6 months ago and i'm with 02 - i just wanted a different number as mine had been published in a magazine by accident and i was getting random calls day and night. i rang them, said i'd been receiving nuisance phone calls and messages - they changed it straight away - no crime number needed.