TSmedia 4.9 beta7
-project free TV added to movies
-music videos added to radio&music(thanks for pcd for xbmc code)
-justin TV archive added to netmedia,jaytv removed
-vevo,liveshows and ijustine channels added to youtube
-now possible to non stop watch all youtube videos of selected category(12*83 videos)
-improved and adding many working servers for 1channel,icefilm,watchseries,movie25,movie4k
-proxy management same as previous beta 6 release
-added vevo-live mode to youtube settings in addition to normal mode
only for openl4,3 and oe2.0 images
Thanks to mfaraj57
Thread Discussion
-project free TV added to movies
-music videos added to radio&music(thanks for pcd for xbmc code)
-justin TV archive added to netmedia,jaytv removed
-vevo,liveshows and ijustine channels added to youtube
-now possible to non stop watch all youtube videos of selected category(12*83 videos)
-improved and adding many working servers for 1channel,icefilm,watchseries,movie25,movie4k
-proxy management same as previous beta 6 release
-added vevo-live mode to youtube settings in addition to normal mode
only for openl4,3 and oe2.0 images
Thanks to mfaraj57
Thread Discussion