TSmedia 2.4 enigma2 plugin
All web media in your TV screen: Movies,radio,series,tvshows,iptv,youtube,dailymotion with all possible functions as background download, favorites ,self upgradeable,iptv channels frequent updates,easy manage user media
IPTV: Arabic,kurdish and Thailand iptv feeds added,thanks for colo colo,duhoki and gmani
m3u playlists cleaned
Movies:added movie25 and moovizon,fixed movie2k to movie4k,improved other movies screens
Favorites: favorites now stored in /etc/ TSfavorites.xml to avoid replacement when updating plugin
Settings:added TSmedia lock and lock for porn media,plugin settings added through update panel
Net TV:Istikana added again to arabic TV(needed glib-networking library for oe2.0 images)
many arabic youtube channels added including live channels
fixed bugs:
mytube search function on vix image-vuplus thanks for Daddy Bear
m3u playlist crash
correct installation is important to receive and play the streams
if plugin previous version is installed just
from update icon do update and restart enigma
or from TSpanel-addons-TSmedia
new install:
for oe1.6 images and openpli2.1:
copy the plugin package from the download link down to box tmp folder and copy this command to telnet window and hit enter
for oe2.0 and openpli 3.0 images
in the telnet window enter
opkg update
hit enter and wait
copy the following command to telnent window
opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

Thanks to all friends,for all users reported bugs,forums hosting the project and mediaportal team
Thread Discussion
All web media in your TV screen: Movies,radio,series,tvshows,iptv,youtube,dailymotion with all possible functions as background download, favorites ,self upgradeable,iptv channels frequent updates,easy manage user media
IPTV: Arabic,kurdish and Thailand iptv feeds added,thanks for colo colo,duhoki and gmani
m3u playlists cleaned
Movies:added movie25 and moovizon,fixed movie2k to movie4k,improved other movies screens
Favorites: favorites now stored in /etc/ TSfavorites.xml to avoid replacement when updating plugin
Settings:added TSmedia lock and lock for porn media,plugin settings added through update panel
Net TV:Istikana added again to arabic TV(needed glib-networking library for oe2.0 images)
many arabic youtube channels added including live channels
fixed bugs:
mytube search function on vix image-vuplus thanks for Daddy Bear
m3u playlist crash
correct installation is important to receive and play the streams
if plugin previous version is installed just
from update icon do update and restart enigma
or from TSpanel-addons-TSmedia
new install:
for oe1.6 images and openpli2.1:
copy the plugin package from the download link down to box tmp folder and copy this command to telnet window and hit enter
for oe2.0 and openpli 3.0 images
in the telnet window enter
opkg update
hit enter and wait
copy the following command to telnent window
opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

Thanks to all friends,for all users reported bugs,forums hosting the project and mediaportal team
Thread Discussion