- fixed bugs
- removal of non working addons
- two new groups new and basic addons
- add addon background
- fixed vevo
- improved hls and m3u8 player
- resolved more movies hosts
How to install updates successfully :
- Send updates.ipk to /tmp
- Telnet command > opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk
- Restart E2
THX @mfaraj57
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Thread Discussion
- fixed bugs
- removal of non working addons
- two new groups new and basic addons
- add addon background
- fixed vevo
- improved hls and m3u8 player
- resolved more movies hosts
How to install updates successfully :
- Send updates.ipk to /tmp
- Telnet command > opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk
- Restart E2
THX @mfaraj57
Click This Link To Discuss The File:
Thread Discussion