1.2.100 November 20, 2013
- Improved AAC parser
- On saving a file, spaces are removed from the beginning and end of the file name
- Fix for install in another directory as the default directory
- The I-frame detection is enabled by default on the wine/crossover
- Support for ATI MPEG2 Decoder Filter
- Support for AMD Video Decoder Filter (MPEG2)
- For setting "AUTOMATIC" the "enhanced video renderer" is now used in Windows Vista/7/8 as "Default Video Renderer"
- Workaround for sporadic missing audio in the timeline when you use the Microsoft DTV-DVD audio decoder
- Color information of Teletext subtitles can be applied in the SRT export
- Wine/Crossover compatible video renderer
- Improved search for time jumps within the recording
- Fixed a potential problem at startup (14%)
- After repair of recordings with time jumps, opening of the repaired recording is offered now
- PMT problem with processing of VLC recordings fixed
Thread Discussion
- Improved AAC parser
- On saving a file, spaces are removed from the beginning and end of the file name
- Fix for install in another directory as the default directory
- The I-frame detection is enabled by default on the wine/crossover
- Support for ATI MPEG2 Decoder Filter
- Support for AMD Video Decoder Filter (MPEG2)
- For setting "AUTOMATIC" the "enhanced video renderer" is now used in Windows Vista/7/8 as "Default Video Renderer"
- Workaround for sporadic missing audio in the timeline when you use the Microsoft DTV-DVD audio decoder
- Color information of Teletext subtitles can be applied in the SRT export
- Wine/Crossover compatible video renderer
- Improved search for time jumps within the recording
- Fixed a potential problem at startup (14%)
- After repair of recordings with time jumps, opening of the repaired recording is offered now
- PMT problem with processing of VLC recordings fixed
Thread Discussion