PD IPTV Updater for Dreambox
PD IPTV Updater 1.0 by jav@
PD IPTV Updater 1.0 by jav@
4097 ( Enigma 2 OE 1.6 - OpenPli 3.0 , ME 3.0 )
pd iptv bouquet plugin ( web update )
just send file enigma2-plugins-extensions-pd-iptv-updater_1.0_mipsel.ipk to temp and manual install , reboot enigma and run pd iptv updater
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PD IPTV Updater 1.0 by jav@
1.0.1 ( Enigma 2 OE 1.6 - New Enigma 2 , GP3 , OpenPli 2.1 , Ozon , me 5.0 , .... and other images)
pd iptv bouquet plugin ( web update )
just send file enigma2-plugins-extensions-pd-iptv-updater101_1.0_mipsel.ipk to temp and manual install , reboot enigma and run pd iptv updater
[url="http://www.digitalworldz.co.uk/index.php?threads/389716"]Thread Discussion[/url]