No-ip Auto Login
Based on the script:
Adjust After installation, / usr / script / with your access data.
A crontab is produced at the initial installation so registered with the existing date and time.
x x ** x / usr / script /
This is logged 1x per week at No-IP.
Of course, in the Blue Panel under Add-ons => Plugins (extensions) => enigma2-plugin-extensions-noipautologin to install.
(Capitalized extra-plugins required!)
# # # # NoipAutoLogin history
01.05.2014 - 0.1-r0
Script adaptation for No-IP website
Thx cepheus
Click this Link to Download File:
Thread Discussion
Based on the script:
Adjust After installation, / usr / script / with your access data.
A crontab is produced at the initial installation so registered with the existing date and time.
x x ** x / usr / script /
This is logged 1x per week at No-IP.
Of course, in the Blue Panel under Add-ons => Plugins (extensions) => enigma2-plugin-extensions-noipautologin to install.
(Capitalized extra-plugins required!)
# # # # NoipAutoLogin history
01.05.2014 - 0.1-r0
Script adaptation for No-IP website
Thx cepheus
Click this Link to Download File:
Thread Discussion