Removed lock Maintaining Favorites list with the settings of the Motor .
WARNING : The operation can last 30/60 minutes with very high CPU loads , which depend on several factors :
Nr . Of records to read.
Nr . Of channels to be replaced .
Nr . Of channels to see if visible .
CPU speed of the decoder .
Amount of RAM of the decoder .
On Decoder dated and with little memory , it is strongly recommended to use the Memory SWAP ;
Added check the date of the settings in the list of Bouquet while updating with the function of the Maintenance of the list of favorites ;
Edited lists of SettingMan : Cyrus , CloudItaly , Onopkos , Corvone , Morpheus , Predr @ g , Malimali ;
Improved filtering logic of the selection of Satellites . Now by default all satellites are deleted , except those selected ;
Proper Backup function that caused the non-write files on devices with FAT32 ;
Correct a small error that caused the crash of the decoder when selecting a feed , in the absence of internet connection ;
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Thread Discussion
WARNING : The operation can last 30/60 minutes with very high CPU loads , which depend on several factors :
Nr . Of records to read.
Nr . Of channels to be replaced .
Nr . Of channels to see if visible .
CPU speed of the decoder .
Amount of RAM of the decoder .
On Decoder dated and with little memory , it is strongly recommended to use the Memory SWAP ;
Added check the date of the settings in the list of Bouquet while updating with the function of the Maintenance of the list of favorites ;
Edited lists of SettingMan : Cyrus , CloudItaly , Onopkos , Corvone , Morpheus , Predr @ g , Malimali ;
Improved filtering logic of the selection of Satellites . Now by default all satellites are deleted , except those selected ;
Proper Backup function that caused the non-write files on devices with FAT32 ;
Correct a small error that caused the crash of the decoder when selecting a feed , in the absence of internet connection ;
Click this Link to Download File:
Thread Discussion