Arse backwards ...


Inactive User
Jul 11, 2001
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... What a useless fucking government we have gone and gotten ourselves in the UK. Conjugations of the words brewery and piss-up spring immediately to mind ...

... Have you had the privilige of viewing these arse-backwards crime-prevention ads running on TV over the festive drinkathon?

... The one's that go "oooohhh nice phone, don't be seen with it in public 'cos some acne'd chav will then have a good reason to nick it ... and it'll be your fault for having such a nice phone!"

... What idiot came up with that piece of twattery ... blaming victims for the criminal actions of their tormentors, asking the law abiding, non-kleptomaniacally inclined to roll over and live our lives in fear of low-life thugs, thieves and hoodlums

... OI GENIUS ... wherever in Whitehall you lurk ... why not try devoting all that creative energy and taxpayer cash into telling chav's ... "DON'T NICK OTHER PEOPLES SHIT" and then taking meaningful action (ie. more than an ASBO in the next Birthday Honours list) against the hardcore of arseholes who appear to make too many of our compatriots lives a misery.

... What's wrong Whitehall ... War on Terrrr not scary enough to keep us cowed?
Well put.

Tbh, I've had enough of any piece of crap who thinks he has a right to piss me off...Gotta teach 'em the hard way not to be a theiving little git >:]
LOL, right on mate, then you have the FRANK adverts, that really pisses me off, the amount of times ive sat down for dinner and that brain advert comes on, another meal ruined. What are the ASA (advertising standards agency) doing allowing these disgusting and immoral adverts though. No where is safe anymore.

you have to laugh at the advert with the little lad leaning over the toilet cubicle asking the 2 coke heads "what does that stuff really smell like" and they look up and try to hide what they were else would've dragged him in and beat the crap out of him...i mean theyre saying it's not all right to take drugs (and rightly so) but its fine to let your 10 year old son out on the town clubbing it..i mean were was the bouncers at the door???how did he get in...not happening mate..
and when he's bouncing up and down on the bed saying "are you gonna lie there all day",,,any one else would say get the f**k off my bed and out of my house before i call the police and have you arrested for breaking and entering....i blame the parents...