Stop forcing children to grow up too quickly, says Archbishop of Canterbury


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Mar 5, 2006
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Children are being forced to grow up too quickly in a culture that refuses to recognise that human beings are naturally dependent on one another, the Archbishop of Canterbury warned yesterday.

Dr Rowan Williams condemned the pressure on children to become “active little consumers and performers” at the earliest opportunity.

Preaching at Canterbury Cathedral, Dr Williams said contemporary life had become characterised by a basic impatience about learning. He said that too many people, including the elderly and children, were expected to stand on their own feet without support from outside.

“We send out the message that if you’re not standing on your own two feet and if you need regular support, you’re an anomaly. We’ll look after you (with a bit of a sigh), but frankly it’s not ideal,” he said.

The message being sent out to children today was: “We shall test you relentlessly in schools, we shall bombard you with advertising, often highly sexualised advertising, we shall worry you about your prospects and skills from the word go. We shall do all we can to make childhood a brief and rather regrettable stage on the way to the real thing, which is ‘independence’, turning you into a useful cog in the social machine that won’t need too much maintenance.” Parents should learn to enjoy their children’s dependence on them, instead of forcing them prematurely into independence.

He also referred to the sufferings of children being used as child soldiers and caught up in conflicts around the world, such as “the meaningless and savage civil wars in places like Congo and Sri Lanka — children who are abducted, brutalised, turned into killers, used as sex slaves”.

The Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, also addressed the pressures faced by young people. Preaching at Westminster Cathedral, he said: “Each of us is called to grow and mature from an infancy of faith into a mature willingness — like Mary’s — to be instruments not of our own ambition, but of God’s will.

“This is our struggle, for while we long for peace there is still conflict within our hearts. Conflicts fill the news and cause injury and death to those in Afghanistan and Iraq who are so much in our prayers at this time. While we long for a sense of community, so many youngsters resort to gangs and gang violence to bolster their weakened sense of identity. While we long for reconciliation there is still such bitterness in our bloodstream.”

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, also preached on the theme of offering refuge to the oppressed and those fleeing persecution.

The “revolutionary” story of Christmas proclaims the reign of God over all other rulers, the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan, said. The first Christians had chosen Jesus as their Lord over Caesar, he said. “Caesar was lord through conquest and oppression and violence. Jesus was Lord because He had come to bring justice and non-violence to the Earth.

“So these birth stories are not at all what they seem. They proclaim the lordship of Jesus and the reign of God over and against the rulers of this world — so much for keeping religion and politics apart.”

In his sermon at Llandaff Cathedral, Cardiff, he said: “To say Jesus is Lord is to join Him in His fight against everything and anything that dehumanises and degrades human beings.

“It’s pretty revolutionary stuff — and when we come and worship at that crib, we need to realise exactly what we are signing up to.”

By Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent
Stop forcing children to grow up too quickly, says Archbishop of Canterbury - Times Online
Damn right.

Kids are being robbed of their innocence by the PC Brigade putting pressure on the goverment to change all sorts of things.

Sex Education for a 4 year old?
No thanks you dirty bastard.
/mozr takes heed, walks over to the cellar door, opens it, turns the light on, takes the 15 steps to the cellar floor, walks over to the rack, and releases his daughter.
Damn right.

Kids are being robbed of their innocence by the PC Brigade putting pressure on the goverment to change all sorts of things.

Sex Education for a 4 year old?
No thanks you dirty bastard.

Spot on mate. My little sod will be allowed to grow up at his own pace, not 'cos some poxy social worker or council nomark has decided something is wrong. I'll pull the fecking discrimination or religion card if I have to, I will think of something...
Waw,,i actually agree with the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Kids do grow up way too quick and big businesses don't really help the situation and the government should just shut up full stop when it comes to kids.

I remember seeing something in the news a few years back about Theo Paphitis from Dragons Den and how is lingerie company was selling thongs designed for 10ylds!!
WTF does a 10yrld want with a thong ?

I spent most of yesterday with ma wee nephew who is nearly 4 and had a brilliant time just carrying on.
Being a kid is the best thing in the world and i know when i was young it was the only time in my life i felt free.
Well done Dr Williams for bringing this to people attention.

I do blame some of the parents as well. I know people that have their children tutored for 3 hours every day after school and don't give them the weekend off either. These types of parents really get to me.
Kids are being robbed of their innocence by the PC Brigade putting pressure on the goverment to change all sorts of things.

Sex Education for a 4 year old?
No thanks you dirty bastard.

It's not the PC Brigade, it's the marketers and the media that are causing it. MTV ramming Britney Spears down the throats of young teenagers and kids.
It's not the PC Brigade, it's the marketers and the media that are causing it. MTV ramming Britney Spears down the throats of young teenagers and kids.

You got there before me Steve....

W seems to have missed the 'message' from Dr Williams...
You got there before me Steve....

W seems to have missed the 'message' from Dr Williams...

Actually I didn't even read it at all.

But I fail to see how MTV and the rest of the Media have any influence over the decision to teach 4 year olds sex education.
Actually I didn't even read it at all.

But I fail to see how MTV and the rest of the Media have any influence over the decision to teach 4 years sex education.

Sexuality in the media is being rammed down childrens throats these days, as a result children are becoming sexually inquisitive at an earlier age. The decision to teach sex eductaion to a younger audience is to try and combat this.
I do agree that 4 years old is ridiculously young to be teaching sex ed though.