[DOWNLOAD] New Wetek PBnigma E2 & Kodi 17.09.2015


Staff member
Apr 13, 2007
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Yorkshire Born & Bred Leeds !
Downloads: A new file has been added by Ferret:

EDIT 17.9.15
- misc E2 stuff

- XBMC out as it made problems for some addons

- Some repos in Kodi

- IPTV playback for settings like ciefp etc. vastly improved. Not done yet.

- reflash of micro SD card needed !

Updated already

This image is still in infancy mode and should be used only by bold, brave and beautiful. Nevertheless, some might find it interesting.
Please do read included PDF & txt.

In short:
- Kodi 15.1 included
- XBMC 13.2 still there as some may prefer its playback of 29.9xx/23.9xx FPS. We would be grateful on some feedback on this subject. Please do note your TV unit settings; game/pc/turbo enhance/sport etc. It could make a lot of PQ/BQ difference.
- Samba -> NAS works fine in Kodi, for NFS, at the moment, 1st mount a NFS volume from E2, then root from Kodi. As always YMMV.
- New E2 RC/FB unit is preferred for now except in Kodi/XBMC where only the original RC/FB works, either in mouse or buttonMode.
- E2 media programs like internal PVR, MP or MP2 are there only for testing purposes. Media playback is preferred to be done by Kodi/XBMC. You might need a reboot if E2 media players are used on certain files!
- Please do read about USB sticks/HDDs and mounting them as /media/usb via PB Device Manager. An E2 restart may be required for now after inserting an USB device. We are not in love with automount business for various tech reasons.
- Temporary removal of USB media should be done via USB eject plugin, permanent via PB device manager. Failure of following this, rather simple, procedure might spoil your media.
- Issues with some transponders are well known, work in progress (as many other stuff).
- Same goes for better support for the original (elipsoid) RC/FB.
- We are aware of (most) problems and working on them.
- FTP/telnet/ssh default password is 'powerboard'
- NAND version not planned at this stage. If ever.
- Reflash needed, simple online update won't do, probably reasonable to do a backup of your settings to an USB stick and do restore after flashing your micro SD card.

Good luck from PB team!

>>> CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD New Wetek PBnigma E2 & Kodi 17.09.2015 <<<
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Hi Ferret,

Have installed this image and so far really impressed. Just one thing though. I am trying to setup OSCAM. Have managed to install the Wetek Oscam version but now I don't know where to go. I found somewhere saying it is the ip:8001 but I just get a blank page. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Ferret,

Have installed this image and so far really impressed. Just one thing though. I am trying to setup OSCAM. Have managed to install the Wetek Oscam version but now I don't know where to go. I found somewhere saying it is the ip:8001 but I just get a blank page. Any help would be appreciated.

Did you start the cam and i assume you install oscam from within the image downloads ?
I have installed that was downloaded when I was asked if I want to download. Once it completed I went into the plugins and there was an oscam for Wetek there. Have started this up and the light went from red to green.
I have installed that was downloaded when I was asked if I want to download. Once it completed I went into the plugins and there was an oscam for Wetek there. Have started this up and the light went from red to green.

It wont be in plugins

Im not in front of mine so ill take a look tonight and describe what you need to do to start it from memory there is a pbnigma plugin in the plugin section you can enter the cam panel from that but this is from memory
OK. I am at work too so can have a look as well when I get in
OK. Managed to do that earlier. I have configured oscam. It connects to the server but I receive an error in the status column
Hi ferret. Managed to get it sorted. Thank you. Decided to use newcamd as I was familiar with that
Another question Mr. Ferret!! How do you manage channels and bouquets in this build?
To install Oscam

Menu-Plugins-Green Button-camd

Download oscam

To start Oscam

Menu-Plugins-Powerboard Centre - Camd Manager

Hightlight Oscam and press the green button to start.

To log into your Oscam Web interface



Hi Ferret,

Managed to get this going last night. The port was 16001 so just left it as it was. I am new at all this but managed to get it working, so thanks for your help. I don't know if you saw my other question but how are channels managed. I don't see any way to manually order/sort channels. Is this possible? or if I use something like a bouquet does this order the channels and group them by type?
Hi Ferret,

Managed to get this going last night. The port was 16001 so just left it as it was. I am new at all this but managed to get it working, so thanks for your help. I don't know if you saw my other question but how are channels managed. I don't see any way to manually order/sort channels. Is this possible? or if I use something like a bouquet does this order the channels and group them by type?

For what satellite positions ?

Port 16001 for the webinterface of oscam ?
For what satellite positions ?

Port 16001 for the webinterface of oscam ?

Hi, Sorry. It's for Astra 28.2e. Yes. The port was 16001. I had installed an oscam service manager extension and farted about with that for a while so it might have been me who changed it. But once I found it I didn't see the point in changing it as it worked :proud:
Hi, Sorry. It's for Astra 28.2e. Yes. The port was 16001. I had installed an oscam service manager extension and farted about with that for a while so it might have been me who changed it. But once I found it I didn't see the point in changing it as it worked :proud:

well you can install auto bouquets on to it that when set up will give you a sky like channel number setup.

I prefer using a channel list such as Catseye or Rats both give you user bouquets on the channel list after pressing the blue button on the e2 remote. With Rats you can install the rats channel updater plugin so you just start the plugin from the plugin menu to get the latest list.
well you can install auto bouquets on to it that when set up will give you a sky like channel number setup.

I prefer using a channel list such as Catseye or Rats both give you user bouquets on the channel list after pressing the blue button on the e2 remote. With Rats you can install the rats channel updater plugin so you just start the plugin from the plugin menu to get the latest list.

Are these both found in the pb software manager? Under extensions or plugins?
Autobouquets may be but Rat channel updater wont be.

Youll find it here


Hi Ferret,

I am really, really impressed with this image. I have all installed and working a treat, have ordered the Enigma controller from Wetek which should be here in a couple of days. 2 questions though.

First, I have mounted 2 usb sticks, one has /media/usb (using this for crossepg and picons) and another as /media/hdd (using it for recording and timeshifting). The smaller drive has a folder picon and I have downloaded and installed Rats picons and the updater. First run it works, then if the device reboots or is switched of the picons disappear. I have the drives automounting in the fstab file. Can't seem to see the reason for this.

Second, what is the best way to backup? I have seen something in the TSpanel re backups but was not sure where it was backing up to or if it is backing up the proper thing.
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Hi Ferret,

I am really, really impressed with this image. I have all installed and working a treat, have ordered the Enigma controller from Wetek which should be here in a couple of days. 2 questions though.

First, I have mounted 2 usb sticks, one has /media/usb (using this for crossepg and picons) and another as /media/hdd (using it for recording and timeshifting). The smaller drive has a folder picon and I have downloaded and installed Rats picons and the updater. First run it works, then if the device reboots or is switched of the picons disappear. I have the drives automounting in the fstab file. Can't seem to see the reason for this.

Second, what is the best way to backup? I have seen something in the TSpanel re backups but was not sure where it was backing up to or if it is backing up the proper thing.

There are report elsewhere of it having mountpoint issues it nothing ive looked into though.

Backups are best done with windisk imager you write the images to the card with.

I would not install the tspanel on this image tbh no image more trouble than its worth but has most the stuff on it is developed for a MIPS CPU the wetek is not going to use it.
There are report elsewhere of it having mountpoint issues it nothing ive looked into though.

Backups are best done with windisk imager you write the images to the card with.

I would not install the tspanel on this image tbh no image more trouble than its worth but has most the stuff on it is developed for a MIPS CPU the wetek is not going to use it.

OK. I'll have a look at mountpoints and see if there is anything obvious. I will also remove TSpanel. Not really used it that much really so won't be a big miss.