FREE Fonera Wifi Router

Mine turned up on the same day as the replacement for my main router! Not got it setup yet but its certainly pretty snazzy!

What does the hacked firmware do for you?
Well i have connected mine to the rear of the set top box and it seems to be working (all lights on or flashing. i need to get someone to test it computer not wi fi enabled but i may have to borrow a lappy to try it out.will post more when i can check it out
Anyone tell me ,should the w/lan and internet lights flash on and off or stay on all the time
How long did you have to wait to recieve yours? I bet they wont send me one lol.
Using mine for this post - well not exactly - ordered mine and received it.Bought a wireless usb adaptor for a tenner including postage from fleabay.Set up and works fine.But a little twist - did a search with usb adaptor and picked up about 3 wireless langs i can use which im not paying for.By the way got a 10 meg i dont pay for anyway!! lol
Anyone tell me ,should the w/lan and internet lights flash on and off or stay on all the time

sorry to repost it but would like to know ,never used one like this before so im completely in the dark so to speak
Mine does a bit of both but me neither - not used wireless before but as long as its secure with code under lang you should be ok
the wlan should only flash when it is being used. Is there a hacked firmware for this yet?
if you want to pay post i have one you can have me

He just bought one today so i still have one up for grabs,1st come 1st served.
pm me
got mine the other day just looking at it now :) has anyone put the hacked firmware one it yet? im going to search for all the files and get it done today will report back :)


my free one hsa gone to a new owner now,sorry to the rest of you that enquired.
router gone

i have one if anyone still wants one, just pm with youraddress andi will send it

some one has PM me so he gets it sorry to anyone eles who wanted it
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