Celtic FC Thread

Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

Rangers' historic day is marred by songs of 'hate and ignorance' | Herald Scotland

[h=1]Rangers' historic day is marred by songs of 'hate and ignorance'[/h]Condemnation over sectarian chants as investigations into Rangers’ accounts continues by Judith duffy, Richard Wilson and Matty Sutton

THE Catholic Church last night condemned Rangers fans for promoting "poisonous bigotry" after sectarian chants and songs marred the team's first match following the club being put into administration.

Despite repeated efforts to stamp out the problem in recent years, anti-Catholic abuse was repeatedly heard on the terraces during yesterday's game against Kilmarnock.
Chants of "F****n b******s" were heard during the first half of the match, followed by a rendition of the loyalist song The Billy Boys, which has been banned by Uefa for the line "we're up to our knees in F****n blood".
Later, some refereeing decisions which provoked controversy among Rangers supporters prompted a widespread chant of: "Who's the F****n in the black".
Before the match got under way, Rangers' administrators said that new information they had uncovered about club finances had "only added to the confusion" over the whereabouts of a £24.4 million payment made to Rangers by company, Ticketus, for the purchase of season tickets. Administrators added, however, that HMRC does not want to see a situation where the club is liquidated
Those responsible for sectarian chanting at yesterday's match were condemned for dredging up songs of "hate and ignorance" on a day when Rangers fans had packed into Ibrox to show their support for their crisis-hit club.
Peter Kearney, spokesman for the Catholic Church, said: "Sadly poisonous sectarian bigotry is all too often a part of some Rangers' fans identity. Despite repeated efforts by the club – and to their great embarrassment – anti-Catholic hostility is still alive and well among many Rangers fans."
Dave Scott, campaign director of the anti-bigotry charity Nil by Mouth, said: "This was a day when some Rangers fans came to show their true feelings for their club. I suspect any true supporter will be sickened to their stomach that others have chosen this day of all days to dredge up these songs of hate and ignorance."
A Scottish Government spokesperson said: "We deplore sectarian or bigoted chanting at any grounds or from any fans in Scotland."
Rangers did not respond to calls last night seeking comment on the issue of sectarian chanting.
Rangers administrators revealed yesterday that new information uncovered had led to a "pretty full understanding" of the takeover and financing of the club.
Administrators Duff & Phelps said they expected to make an announcement in the coming days after receiving details from the club's former lawyers.
A series of meetings with potential investors or new owners will also take place in the week ahead in a bid to save the "tremendous institution", the firm added.
But while the administrators said they remained confident of a "successful outcome" for the club, they also warned it was uncertain exactly what shape that will take.
Rangers were plunged into crisis on Tuesday when HMRC moved to put the club into administration over an upaid tax bill of £9 million, a debt owed to the taxman after owner Craig Whyte's takeover last May.
Whyte has insisted he has "nothing to fear" from any investigations into the club's affairs and can account for "every penny" which has gone in and out of the club.
Speaking ahead of the Rangers' match against Kilmarnock at Ibrox yesterday afternoon, joint administrator David Whitehouse said: "The key issue that has been talked about extensively is the whole financing of the original acquisition, the Ticketus money and level of capital that was introduced to the club.
"We got a load of information yesterday evening from the company's former lawyers and we have a pretty full understanding of what has happened. Until we get firm legal advice on that, we can't put it out, but there will be clarity on that next week."
He added: "The whole role of the previous management will be integral to understanding things. We are clearer as to what has happened in terms of the circumstances around the purchase and how the company has been capitalised."
Whitehouse said a series of meetings with potential investors or new owners would take place over the next week. "This club is a tremendous institution and it seems to us inconceivable that steps wouldn't be taken to try to save it," he added.
RANGERS are also awaiting the outcome of a tax tribunal which could leave them with a bill that could be as much as £75m.
Joint administrator Paul Clark said he remained confident HMRC does not want to see a situation where the club is liquidated.
He said: "We've spoken at length with HMRC ... If HMRC had been looking to close Rangers, they would have issued a winding up petition last week ... The message from HMRC is that they would like to work with us to make sure that Rangers survive. More meetings are scheduled for the coming week. They've been positive against the backdrop of neither party having complete information."
He added: "We remain confident that there will be a successful outcome for the football club. Exactly what shape that will take, we remain uncertain.
"But it's something that we are working with all parties to achieve a successful result. This is a football club and it's about playing football."
However, Clark said there was still a "lack of clarity" over the Ticketus deal: "Part of the information we've received in the past 24 hours has only added to the confusion. Payment (was) not made into a Rangers Football Club bank account. It went through a lawyer's bank account. We've got some visibility of funds."
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Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

Touchy touchy, lol. :)

Was it too much to expect your fans to behave yesterday,yesterday of all days?
Judging by the mentality shown in Shauns reply, obviously it was, and hardly surprising. :)
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Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

@ Shaun..


ooh I feel the hurt.

Typical Rangers fan, I slag your club and you slag my RELIGION!?!

Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

As usual wanting to stir things up
But buggerall reply when kiddie fiddling
Is mentioned.

Just having a discussion in the CELTIC ROOM with fellow CELTIC FANS, I'm not quite sure why you and Shaun are here? :err:

Kiddy fiddling, lol, what has that got to do with Rangers fans singing their songs of hate at yesterdays match, the mind of a Hun is a curious place. :)
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

Just having a discussion in the CELTIC ROOM with fellow CELTIC FANS, I'm not quite sure why you and Shaun are here? :err:

Kiddy fiddling, lol, what has that got to do with Rangers fans singing their songs of hate at yesterdays match, the mind of a Hun is a curious place. :)

You know I'm not quite sure why you are here
When your on a perminant ban.
Keep going and your out of here that's a promise.
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

So you don't have an answer and you come back with that?

I thought you were better than that John.
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

@ JTH or whoever done it..

Since it looks like I'm talking to myself, would you care to remove my replies which make absolutely no sense whatsoever since you have edited the thread.
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

Sorry can't reply as the moderator is a Rangers fan and has threatened to ban me if I say something he doesn't like. :)

Let's all be friends - GROUP HUG!!
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

i would let it drop man you will just get banned.
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

Ok girls enough, shaun stay out of here and you guys stay out of the tax dodgers thread.
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

Ok girls enough, shaun stay out of here and you guys stay out of the tax dodgers thread.

Well said. We will see how long that lasts though
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

Anyway.back on topic.

I Can't believe their fans were so stupid to do that yesterday. the last thing they need is another fine.
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

Just goes to show the mentality of them mate.

The club has dug it's own grave, the coffin has been lowered and now instead of trying to climb back out, the fans are pulling the dirt down on top of themselves.

I genuinely feel heart sorry for the real Rangers fans (the ones that think 1872 is a more significant year than 1690).

But for all the bigots that jump on the Rangers bandwagon as a way of identifying themselves and proclaiming their allegiance to the Orange Order and all things anti-Catholic, well, they can just go FCUK THEMSELVES - which sadly is actually the majority of their fans.
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Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

THE Catholic Church last night condemned Rangers fans.

they never spoke out when celtic fans adopted the song Paddy McCourts Fenian army, or speak out every other week when celtic fans sing their IRA songs. maybe some rangers fans think it's ok to sing the word Fenian because celtic fans sing it. which seems to be the same reason nearly every other club in scotland think it's ok to sing go home ya Hun because some rangers fans where ok calling themselves Hun.(myself included at one point)

or maybe some rangers fans are just pissed off it seems to be one law for them while others just carry on singing their songs of murdering terrorists. and nothing is done. it is a tit for tat senario, one set of fans needs to do the right thing and stop but as long as the other side keep singing this will never happen

It would be good for everyone if this did happen. keep religion out of football and it would also keep football out of religion, and maybe they could finally get on with the more important stuff.
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Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

guys would it not be better and easier if celtic fans could post the stuff they went in their thread and vice versa, obviously in the current climate with rangers going through a hard time celtic fans are going to gloat, but really if they want to as long as its in the celtic thread surely thats ok? and bans/threats of bans shouldnt really be happening? for my own part i was banned for posting a video in the celtic section of celtic fans celebrating and singing? surely not over stepping any mark?, cant PaulK just keep the celtic group in check and similar john with the gers group? if anyone posts anything imflamatory in the others section than obviously the mods should act on it.. but if done in own section surely thats fine? theres obviously a lot i read in the gers group which is anti celtic but i dont reply to it, cant the same happen in this group? its only going to get worse as gers problems get worse so surely best to just draw the line now? too many folk been banned on this forum and certainly not as busy as it was? so no need for everyone to fall out.. let the gers fans post their rangers related articles and vice versa.
Just my 2p worth
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

Or you could just go back to kaos and witchy back to the rejects. That would be a good start imo.
P.S. i will repost this in the Rangers thread so you can read it once Paul-k deletes it ;)
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration


A thread just for the Celtic fans, to discuss the going's on at your club and discussion's about the up and coming games and results.

Please keep this sensible otherwise it will be removed,

Happy chatting! :)

Post 1...................
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

Or you could just go back to kaos and witchy back to the rejects. That would be a good start imo.
P.S. i will repost this in the Rangers thread so you can read it once Paul-k deletes it ;)

Stop posting in the Celtic section Ian. :)

I see the mighty Celtic are winning again.
Re: Peter Lawwell reacts to Rangers administration

paul dont mean this to sound wrong mate, as ive met you and your a sound guy if thats what post 1 says can it be enforced? :)i.e delete the posts from rangers fans on the noise up, i seem to be the target for all the issues in the threads but i cant really recall posting anything in their forum... would just like to enjoy the celtic related articles in the celtic section and enjoy the current situation.