Scientists make teleportation breakthrough


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Jul 28, 2007
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Boffins from Japan and Australia have made a huge scientific breakthrough by successfully teleporting packets of light from one area to another. Skip related content

The mind-bending project, led by Noriyuki Lee at the University of Tokyo, could lead to the creation of super-powerful quantum computers and revolutionise the telecommunications industry.

The team managed to teleport wave packets of light by destroying them in one place and re-creating them in another.

It's an incredible process that means transmitting large volumes of complex quantum information could be quicker than is currently possible.

The quantum physics term behind this experiment is 'entanglement'. It means that two particles can be bonded in such a way that even when separated by large distances, they are still linked. So what happens to one affects the other.

The team linked packets of light to half a pair of entangled particles. They destroyed one of the particles and the light itself, leaving just one remaining particle. This particle still contained detailed information about the light which they could then use to rebuild the original particle.

'Schrodinger's cat'

The process involves 'Schrodinger's cat'. Unfortunately it's not a real feline, but a hypothetical experiment first carried out in the 1935.

Schrödinger envisioned in a cat in a sealed box with a small amount of radioactive material and a Geiger counter measuring radiation. If the atom decayed the counter would release cyanide into the box and kill the cat.

According to quantum mechanics, the cat is neither dead nor alive. Until someone opens the box both possibilities exist. It's supposed to illustrate how in quantum mechanics particles can exist in suspended states of multiple possibilities.

The team at the University of Tokyo were able to put the light wave in a 'Schrödinger's cat' state with the help of a machine simply called 'The Teleporter', and make it have two opposite phases at the same time.

Professor Elanor Huntington, who was part of the research team, told ABC News: "What we've done is take a macroscopic beam of light and put it into a quantum superposition, which is extremely fragile, and teleported that from one place to another."

Doing this demonstrates that - for the first time - blocks of complex quantum information can now be carried by light.

"If we can do this, we can do just about any form of communication needed for any quantum technology," she said.

Unfortunately the breakthrough doesn't mean we'll ever be able to transport human beings, Star Trek style. At present even bacteria is far too complex to be transported.

Remember reading about this theory in a little rough guide to quantum physics sort of book.

Quite hard to get your head around it but I think mostly because it blows open thousands more questions about life and how everything in the universe, including all of us, are all connected in some way!
That is fasinating ill update this post when virgin media send us all breakfast every morning

sod breakfast mate....

more beer out of the fridge more like it :proud:
Unfortunately the breakthrough doesn't mean we'll ever be able to transport human beings, Star Trek style. At present even bacteria is far too complex to be transported.


Completely pointless exercise then haha.

Beam me up scotty
Completely pointless exercise then haha.

Beam me up scotty

well no not really,
if it does work properly and they can manipulate it,
it would mean instantanious data transfer absolutley anywhere, with no need for wires, fibre optics etc....

the implications are staggering
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Completely pointless exercise then haha.

Beam me up scotty

Repeat to the few braincells you have....

just read this and can someone correct me if im wrong but how could this be used for teleportation if it destroys then rebuilds the light
just read this and can someone correct me if im wrong but how could this be used for teleportation if it destroys then rebuilds the light

Please note the words "mind-bending project" lol. What I think it means is something along the lines of both possibilities exist at the same time and for the process to be one or the other one of the instances needs to be destroyed.

Like this cat experiment they are referring to, the cat is both alive and dead inside the box, both possibilities exist until you open the box and as soon as your observation/conscientiousness is looking inside the box, one of the possibilities is destroyed. This means that the world as you see it is a projection from inside of you, your mind, it's not an external thing!!!!

Are you confused yet? I am... no idea what I'm going on about here, I need a :drink: It's down the rabbit hole stuff...
Completely pointless exercise then haha.

Beam me up scotty

Cannot beleive i received an infraction worth 150 points for this post,crikey now that is staggering.

Note i was,nt actually directing my comments to anyone in this thread.
Cannot beleive i received an infraction worth 150 points for this post,crikey now that is staggering.

Note i was,nt actually directing my comments to anyone in this thread.

It looks like the mod who gave it changed his mind and reversed it two mins later. Infractions are the temporary and used to encourage a better quality of posting rather than to chastise. If you have a problem in the future contact a mod or admin. Some would give an infraction questioning in open forum