Windows 7 P.O.S


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VIP Member
Sep 21, 2007
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mate got a new desktop with Windows 7 Home Ultimate and what a piece of shit operating system it is

within 10 mins of starting up got an application error.. typical

updates got downloaded and installed and rebooted and now the screen was stuck on the message

"Preparing To Configure Windows Please fukin wait....

This was 1 hour ago so left it like that

wtf is going on .. I use XP and never had any problems

another reason I will never move onto the piece of shit Windows 7

I really hope the final message will be

"you should have gone for Linux as Microsoft Windows 7 is a wank of an operating system..hahahahahahaha"
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mate got a new desktop with Windows 7 Home Ultimate and what a piece of shit operating system it is

within 10 mins of starting up got an application error.. typical

updates got downloaded and installed and rebooted and now the screen was stuck on the message

"Preparing To Configure Windows Please fukin wait....

This was 1 hour ago so left it like that

wtf is going on .. I use XP and never had any problems

another reason I will never move onto the piece of shit Windows 7

I really hope the final message will be

"you should have gone for Linux as Microsoft Windows 7 is a wank of an operating system..hahahahahahaha"

The Mrs got given a top spec new laptop from work - complete with win7, cost them about a grand - 4gig of ram etc.
It runs like an absolute dog, crashing all the time. She spends longer swearing at it than getting work done.

On the other hand I have a cheapo netbook which dual boots xp and ubuntu which runs great. I made the mistake of adding win7 to my system too. Its still on there - just incase - but I removed it entry from the bootloader, so I dont accidentally use it.
where the hell did he buy this machine, from a bloke down the markets which it sounds like if he was sold home ultimate which does not exist. Unless he paid top wake, most machine have home premium. If he has ultimate version and did not pay top wake then it sounds like a hooky copy and therefore who knows what shit is on there.
The Mrs got given a top spec new laptop from work - complete with win7, cost them about a grand - 4gig of ram etc.
It runs like an absolute dog, crashing all the time. She spends longer swearing at it than getting work done.

On the other hand I have a cheapo netbook which dual boots xp and ubuntu which runs great. I made the mistake of adding win7 to my system too. Its still on there - just incase - but I removed it entry from the bootloader, so I dont accidentally use it.

Who runs there IT department, mickey mouse ?

Who gives business users a laptop that keeps crashing ?
where the hell did he buy this machine, from a bloke down the markets which it sounds like if he was sold home ultimate which does not exist. Unless he paid top wake, most machine have home premium. If he has ultimate version and did not pay top wake then it sounds like a hooky copy and therefore who knows what shit is on there.

may be home premium .. he got it from PC World, it this one

PACKARD BELL ixtreme I5622UK at cheap prices | PC World
well according to Microshit website, may need to do a system restore to fix problem...

bloody hell, only had the machine for few hours and it already needs a system restore

I may aswell stick on Windows XP
Don't know what happened with ur m8's lapy but W7 is the best OS I have ever used, I was an XP whore but will never go back to it now.
must be a hooky copy, I went from xp pro to W7 home premium on my lappy, no probs, no crashes so far. (been using since Jan)
must be a hooky copy, I went from xp pro to W7 home premium on my lappy, no probs, no crashes so far. (been using since Jan)

cant be a hooky copy, as desktop purchased from pc world unless PC world now stick hooky copies of operating systems

doing a bit of googling and this is a common issue with new deskptops/laptops and when a windows update is done.. fix to do a system restore.
TBH, I am not a fan of the bloatware loaded factory loads that some suppliers use.

Dell, HP and acer do at least check the loads even if they still have crap on them.

I would honestly that it back and tell them to fix it including the hotfixes. If they can, do a clean install of the O/S.
been using 7 since the beta came out and had no problems at all. Still have xp on my work pc, but if I could I'd run it on that to. I would just do a clean install without all the bloatware and that should sort out his problems. You can knock windows all you want, but without it there is no way pc 's would be as wide spread as they are now. I remember everyone saying how terrible xp was when it was launched and how they would never change from 98se.

User error in my opinion. ;)

Win7 has replaced WinXP on all my machines bar one, and the only reason that machine still has Xp on it is because I use it for Auto Diagnostic software and WinXP seems to be the chosen OS of the auto industry.

Win7, imo, is every bit as stable as WinXP and as good looking as Vista.

It's the first OS I actually bought - even if I did cheat and use a student account ;)

I love it. :)
There's nothing wrong with W7 and will walk all over XP anytime. I suspect that it is a bad job at system build rather than W7. Could be a driver that the builder ofthe PC did not deal with. Been using W7 for yonks now and have installed it on n number of machines and never a problem.
If you actually google round and read the reviews you will find that there are far more people who are more than happy with Windows 7 than are not. Most of the people that are not happy it's because they ether kill it themselves or get a bad deal from the like of shit places like PC World, where the only requirment to get a job there is to know nothing about PC's.

Personally I have 4 PC's running Windows 7 (all legit copies) and never had any problems, and as soon as I can find graphic drivers I will have it on my laptop too.

I started using computers with the Commodore PET, and since then Windows 7 has been the best and most stable thing Microsoft has ever done for the retail market.

If linux or mac was so much better we would all be on that.
Mac OSX is so 'easy to use' yet I find it the most complicated OS in use today. :)

I'd rather tinker with a standard Linux build than osx, lol.

after 7 hours Windows 7 finally booted up to the desktop

then another 1 hour to remove all the shite Packard Bell add to the install of Windows 7 now the operating system seems to be more stable.

still bit pissed why an operating system, barely used for an hour would take 7 hours to update some settings. This isnt a shiity PC with 128 MB RAM and a Celeron 400Mhz CPU but a good speced machine.....As I said in earlier in the thread, this is a known issue with new install of Windows 7 and updates.
As I said in earlier in the thread, this is a known issue with new install of Windows 7 and updates.

For who? Packard Bell users? :)

Can't say I've ever seen the problem myself, and I'm constantly re-installing OS'es.

Maybe it's getting mucked up as the machine is indexing at the time?