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BBC: Apple unveils iPad tablet device


Steve Jobs has unveiled the new iPad
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Apple unveils iPad tablet device

Apple has put an end to weeks of speculation by unveiling its tablet device, which it has called the iPad.

Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive unveiled the touchscreen device at an event in San Francisco.

Mr Jobs described the tablet, which will cost between $499 and $829 in the US, as a "third category" between smartphones and laptops.

The device, which looks like a large iPhone, can be used to watch films, play games and browse the web.

The firm has also done a deal with publishers including Penguin, Macmillian and Harper Collins to allow e-books to be downloaded directly to the device through a new iBook Store.

"You can download right onto your iPad," said Mr Jobs.

He also showed off magazines and newspapers on the device.

'Gold rush'

He told an audience of journalists, analysts and industry peers that the device lets people "hold the whole web in your hands".

"What this device does is extraordinary. It is the best browsing experience you have ever had," he said.

The device has a 9.7-inch multi-touch display, allowing people to type directly on to the screen, as well as manipulate pictures and move control the action in games with their fingers. However, users can also plug in a keyboard.

Apple claim it has a battery life of 10 hours.

It comes preloaded with twelve applications - essentially multi-touch versions of existing Mac software such as iPhoto.

However, owners can also download third party apps - both specially designed for the iPad and those already available for the iPhone. People with both can synchronise their apps between the two devices.

"We think it's going to be a whole other gold rush for developers," said Scott Forstall, who runs Apple's app division.

Apple revealed that more than 3bn apps have been downloaded from its App store.

The New York Times showed off its app for the iPad, which recreates the look and feel of the newspaper but allows it to have new features, such as video.

"We're pioneering the next version of digital journalism," said Martin Nisenholtz, a senior executive at the newspaper.

It also includes the firm's iTunes software built in, allowing people to purchase songs and movies straight to the device.

'Cheap laptops'

It is not the first touchscreen tablet computer on the market. Earlier this month, manufactures such as Dell and HP showed off devices at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

Some industry experts have questioned the need for another category of device, alongside laptops, smartphones and netbooks.

Analyst firm CCSInsight said that it remained "sceptical" of the market. It described the iPad as "a supersize iPod Touch that would get little interest if not from Apple".

Mr Jobs dismissed netbooks as "just cheap laptops".

"Netbooks aren't better at anything - they're slow and have low quality displays," he told the audience.

"They're not a third category device, but we have something that we think is."

The cheapest iPad, which will come with 16GB of flash memory and wi-fi will cost $499. The most expensive version, with 64GB of storage and the ability to connect via a mobile 3G signal, will cost $829.

Users will also need a monthly subscription for 3G connectivity, but in the US owners will not have to sign a yearly contract.

CCSInsight said the high cost would put it "beyond most consumers".

Mr Jobs said that he hoped to have international prices in place in June or July.

However, all the 3G models are unlocked, meaning they will work with any network.

The launch puts to rest months of speculation and rumour in the blogosphere.

Apple - famous for its secrecy - had remained silent in the run up to the launch, unwilling to release any details publicly.
Re: Apple unveils iPad tablet device

Was hoping for an announcement regarding the next generation iPhone myself before investing in the 3G.

Still have to say, looks like a pretty impressive device.
Re: Apple unveils iPad tablet device

Was hoping for an announcement regarding the next generation iPhone myself before investing in the 3G.

Still have to say, looks like a pretty impressive device.

It looks absolutely mint probably end up buying it when its released will be great for ebooks and browsing.

I think the iPhone 4G will be released in June or early July time expect an announcement in May!
Re: Apple unveils iPad tablet device

It's a lot of money for an electric fanny pad.

Re: Apple unveils iPad tablet device

Sadly it doesn't multitask or I would have given it a chance. It's no more powerful than my 5 year old mobile phone.

BTW anytime you ever discuss the ipad with anyone you must sing your words to the tune of the body form for you commercial. It is a pad after all.
Re: Apple unveils iPad tablet device

If it uses the same apps as the ipod touch/iphone you can use backgrounder and multiflow to multitask, assuming of course there is a jailbrake for it lol ;-)
it does look impressive , just hope they dont come up with a stupid into price for it
Re: Apple unveils iPad tablet device

Sadly it doesn't multitask or I would have given it a chance. It's no more powerful than my 5 year old mobile phone.

BTW anytime you ever discuss the ipad with anyone you must sing your words to the tune of the body form for you commercial. It is a pad after all.

I was wondering what the reason for me whistling dr alban its my life was all about..
ipad doesn't support flash apparently, looks like a big HTML5 gamble for Apple.