The Royal Navy seizes cocaine 'worth £240m'

do you really see a difference?

I do see a big difference tbh fella.!
I can't remember the last time or if anytime i saw a heroin addict hold a job down or contribute anything to society except pain and misery.
I have many friends who take a little charlie at weekends who work hard and contribute and pay their taxes.
Takes me on to my next point which is, i don't know many heroin addicts who are just weekend warriors, all of them need a fix badly by the hour rather than daily.

Now im not promoting drugs here im just saying drugs are like anything else in life, there are different levels with different effects.
I often argue with the missus who still thinks that her Bacardi and Coke (that's the liquid sugar infested one) is not a drug when clearly it is.

The problem is the people who take drugs and simply don't know when to stop.
This is the problem with coke,speed,alchohol,e,hash and many others.
With heroin its different as the addiction becomes physical and over a very short term users become completely dependent on it.
The craving makes it impossible for them to work,rest or play and their life becomes consumed by a drug in a very short space of time.

I have lost count the amount of people i have spoken to who thought they could handle it and were consumed by it.
We have a guy a college who has been clean for 2yrs and he told me all about it.
He said coke,e,speed and all the other designer drugs are not in the same class and that smack was like having a visit from god.
He also told me within 2months his whole life was ruined and stayed that way for 5yrs.

To say that coke and heroin are the same is just plain wrong...
well its getting really hard now to try to get cocaine and other drugs over here now but that's good anyone else agree??:FRIGHT::FRIGHT:

just have a little faith

couldn't say. I'm glad its in short supply though:Clap::Clap::Clap:
To say that coke and heroin are the same is just plain wrong...

not according to the medical fraternity. personally i see no difference. they are both the same filth lot.

i understand those who cant afford the heroin getting it in the neck. but why should it be different for the wealthy/more wealthy cocaine user? white collar use of heroin has always been high, though for the most part hidden. i can find newspaper reports from 1972 stating just that. heroin if far from the "council Estate drug", many would have you believe. cocaine users buy the crap of the same animals that import heroin. cocaine is second only to heroin for "most dangerous" drug. suite and job or jeans and no job, all the same. addicts, unable to live life without chemical help.
i did have a big wig boss caught buying once, mid 1990's. turned out he had been hooked for more than a decade. very few notice, none spoke up. he still got the sack, lost his directorship, and ended on the dole. (never did find out if he got a job again). couldnt give a toss to be honest. scum is scum.
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I do see a big difference tbh fella.!
I can't remember the last time or if anytime i saw a heroin addict hold a job down or contribute anything to society except pain and misery.
I have many friends who take a little charlie at weekends who work hard and contribute and pay their taxes.
Takes me on to my next point which is, i don't know many heroin addicts who are just weekend warriors, all of them need a fix badly by the hour rather than daily.

Now im not promoting drugs here im just saying drugs are like anything else in life, there are different levels with different effects.
I often argue with the missus who still thinks that her Bacardi and Coke (that's the liquid sugar infested one) is not a drug when clearly it is.

The problem is the people who take drugs and simply don't know when to stop.
This is the problem with coke,speed,alchohol,e,hash and many others.
With heroin its different as the addiction becomes physical and over a very short term users become completely dependent on it.
The craving makes it impossible for them to work,rest or play and their life becomes consumed by a drug in a very short space of time.

I have lost count the amount of people i have spoken to who thought they could handle it and were consumed by it.
We have a guy a college who has been clean for 2yrs and he told me all about it.
He said coke,e,speed and all the other designer drugs are not in the same class and that smack was like having a visit from god.
He also told me within 2months his whole life was ruined and stayed that way for 5yrs.

To say that coke and heroin are the same is just plain wrong...

Nah mate... I think you will find they both have no problem in lining the pockets of people who murder, rape, kidnap, torture and god knows what else. So I couldn't give a shit how many taxes they pay mate, they are helping to f*ck this country and world up, end of story. At least coke heads have a bit more of an option to stop which makes them even worse than smack heads in a way becasue they aren't as severly psyically addicted.

I'm not wet behind the ears, and most coke heads i've come across are selfish, snidey, shallow and highly self involved people. I would never let a coke head around my children.

If heroin wasn't on the scene then coke heads would be seen as the real lowlife instead of cutting edge trend setters living life in the fastline the media would have them believe they are.:Angryfire
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Nah mate... I think you will find they both have no problem in lining the pockets of people who murder, rape, kidnap, torture and god knows what else. So I couldn't give a shit how many taxes they pay mate, they are helping to f*ck this country and world up, end of story. At least coke heads have a bit more of an option to stop which makes them even worse than smack heads in a way becasue they aren't as severly psyically addicted.

I'm not wet behind the ears, and most coke heads i've come across are selfish, snidey, shallow and highly self involved people. I would never let a coke head around my children.

If heroin wasn't on the scene then coke heads would be seen as the real lowlife instead of cutting edge trend setters living life in the fastline the media would have them believe they are.:Angryfire

I can see the points you making and yes you do get that, but you get that with any substance abuse.

But Alcohol and tobacco are still allowed ? why ? taxes thats why and for years its socially acceptable.

How much does it cost the NHS for liver problems? heart problems? lung problems?

As for funding all sorts or murder and kidnap to name a few, Does that include illegal tobacco that people buy? or fake goods or dvds ?

People will always draw conclusions to a subject going on the beliefs and opinions rather that facts.

The media would let you believe that a famous case Leah Betts died as a result of Ecstasy, which was a lie. So straight away thats a bad drug and dont go near it. But what if the media told us that mora people die each year from Peanut butter or asprin? would you be scared to try or take them again?
Hold on a second we are getting way off the point here.
The two of you are talking about dealers here now and that's not the point i am arguing.
Dealers are dealers and we all know what they are like.

You both said clearly that Heroin is the same as Coke when clearly it isn't !
They are nothing like each other in terms of effect and dependency.
Either that or you live on a different planet from me.

As i said every drug is different and that includes alchohol, tobacco etc.
Again i am not promoting it but if we choose to ignore it at label it "all drugs are bad mkay", then do you think that will really solve the problem?

Does it not bother you that some drugs are ok yet some are not?
Funny how the taxable drugs seem fine!!
I wonder how many people die each year from alchohol or smoking.
So are they in your "scum" category because they take drugs aswell.

Do you drink alchohol?
Do you drink coffee?
Do you smoke?

If you answer any of the above as yes does that put you in the "scum" category?

Drugs have been around since the dawn of time and the only way to beat them is through proper education and self restraint.

If you cannot see a clear difference between Heroin and Cocaine then you really are lost guys.
Hold on a second we are getting way off the point here.
The two of you are talking about dealers here now and that's not the point i am arguing.
Dealers are dealers and we all know what they are like.

You both said clearly that Heroin is the same as Coke when clearly it isn't !
They are nothing like each other in terms of effect and dependency.
Either that or you live on a different planet from me.

As i said every drug is different and that includes alchohol, tobacco etc.
Again i am not promoting it but if we choose to ignore it at label it "all drugs are bad mkay", then do you think that will really solve the problem?

Does it not bother you that some drugs are ok yet some are not?
Funny how the taxable drugs seem fine!!
I wonder how many people die each year from alchohol or smoking.
So are they in your "scum" category because they take drugs aswell.

Do you drink alchohol?
Do you drink coffee?
Do you smoke?

If you answer any of the above as yes does that put you in the "scum" category?

Drugs have been around since the dawn of time and the only way to beat them is through proper education and self restraint.

If you cannot see a clear difference between Heroin and Cocaine then you really are lost guys.

I wasn't really talking about dealers, more about suppliers and showing awarness to the bigger picture, not just the, ohhh, leave us alone, we only have a few sniffs at the weekend cobblers. Think I gave a description of a coke user also there.

Sorry mate, but I think you'll find that cocaine is a class A drug and only second to heroin for a reason. There is no way you can justify its use to me, only your self, and snorting it with a £50 note doesn't mean they have any more class than crack head sucking the bottom out of crudley made pipe.

If there was a coke head hanging round with anyone I care about, I'd make sure they'd know I'd **** them up if they ever tried offering them anything or they got harmed though neglegence while they were on something - I'd pop their heads off their shoulders. I don't welcome drug users around anyone I care about and anyone with an ounce of decency wouldn't either.

Don't get me wrong, people take drugs becasue they are young and silly, weak willed sheep followers, haven't got the bollox to face life, or have been through something bad enough they use drugs to escape it. So to call them scum would be a bit harsh... everyone is born inocent.

My original reply was a bit harsh, I just really hate coke heads - they look like pathetic desperate rats when they are in action. Maybe I should have said they should have spiked it with something that brings their face out in a yellow and purple rash, then we'll see if they still walk down the street with theirs heads held high looking people square in the eye!!! But oppinions like yours are doing nothing towards making the world a better place for our children.
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The classification of drugs in the country is a complete joke tho, you can’t base your judgement on Heroine being Class A and Coke being class A then they are at the same level, it just does not work like that.

Ecstasy is also class A but is well down the charts in terms of danger to the human body, well bellow Tobacco and Alcohol.

We in this country need to learn to teach drug safety in place of preaching and telling every one how bad it is.

I don’t know if any of you smoke but if you do then why is this ok? when your more likely going to cause people around you ill health and the NHS money rather than misuse of coke?

I remember readying an article with a senior police officer. He was asked about trouble at festivals and what impact drugs have. The main topic was Ecstasy & Alcohol.

He commented on a night where he arrested a individual for being drunk and disorderly, and he got the worst words out the guys mouth, spitting and swearing trying to hit him as they fought to get him under control.

Now he also arrested another individual for possession of Ecstasy and he stated the guy couldn’t have been nice, shaking his hands, apologising.

Now I know this is a generalisation and not all people on drugs are nice and not all drinks are animals but I have out in Coatbridge where I stay and stopped going out there as there was a fight every other night due to jumped up wee wankers steaming and looking for a fight .

We started then going to a club called the Arches where prob 99.9% were on drugs and out all my time there I never saw 1 fight. I knocked a guy’s pint out his and HE BOUGHT ME ONE, that’s just the type of atmosphere there was there and that was down to the feeling you got from ecstasy.

Anyway my point is don’t class every one the same due to their social activities. For some one who has grew up around drugs and has dabbled in if for many years then you see the differences between Heroin and various other drugs.
Whoah, do I smell an argument. lol. And before anyone lays into me. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.

Cocaine comes from a plant. Heroin comes from a plant. Coffee comes from a plant. Tobacco comes from a plant. Need I go on??

All these drugs are derivatives from plants, and only through man made intervention have these become more main streem. The incas first used the plant form of cocaine to reach a higher state. As did the american indians, sharmans, the indians used kush or cannabis. It is only when MAN has intervened and chosed to make money from these that the problems have started.

Cannabis for instance, has been banned since early 1900's. It was banned because of cotton farming, as there was no easy way to cultivate the plants cheaply and effectively.

Opium was used by the victorians, and was only banned very recently. Opium is not the same as heroin, heroin is a mixed form of opium with other crap that makes more of it.

Cocaine comes from the coco plant I belive, and was eaten by people in south america to help with illnesses and stuff.

So only through mans intervention have these drugs become bad. Prescription drugs are far worse than anything from a plant. Alcohol is far worse than any illegal drug. How many people die, or are killed as a result of alcohol every year, thousands, yet it is still legal and widely accepted. And both of these are MAN MADE. So only MAN is to blame for the drug culture that we live in.

@madeinbeats if you have never taken drugs, then how can you comment on the effects or the reasons that people take them. You cannot, as you cannot make an informed opinion. I would suggest you speak to FRANK, before you offer to POP anyones head off.
I can see the points you making and yes you do get that, but you get that with any substance abuse.

But Alcohol and tobacco are still allowed ? why ? taxes thats why and for years its socially acceptable.

How much does it cost the NHS for liver problems? heart problems? lung problems?

As for funding all sorts or murder and kidnap to name a few, Does that include illegal tobacco that people buy? or fake goods or dvds ?

People will always draw conclusions to a subject going on the beliefs and opinions rather that facts.

The media would let you believe that a famous case Leah Betts died as a result of Ecstasy, which was a lie. So straight away thats a bad drug and dont go near it. But what if the media told us that mora people die each year from Peanut butter or asprin? would you be scared to try or take them again?

Well, that's a common argument used by a lot of people. I think the conspiracy of they aint legal becasue the government can't tax them is just a ledgend. Think coke, for example, isn't legal becasue if it was, it would be cheaper, people would be doing it like drinking a pint and the hossys would be jam packed full of red faced people complaining of chest pains thnking that everyone is out to get them.

Weed isn't legal becasue it causes psycosis. E's aren't legal becasue they do kill and kill off the natural endorphin channels in the brain, etc, etc...

Alcohol is good for you in moderation and only kills in large doses. As you rightly pointed out about Leah Betts, she OD'ed on water, but I think you'll find that there are now a few hundred cases of people dying from ecstacy, even if in her case she didn't directly die from it, so what are you going to ban, water or the pharmasuiticals?

Tobacco is an outright strange one. Personally, I'm not a connaisseur of tobacco, but I'm sure there are different types and flavours when it comes to things like cigars which people do enjoy, and again, if you only have one at Christmas, then it is probably no big deal!

More people these days are dying from being fat, what you gonna do though, ban Golden Wonder Cheesey Wotsits?

Come on people, no matter how you care to defend it, whether it be weed, coke or brown, the crap is destroying communities, families and individuals.
Weed isn't legal becasue it causes psycosis. E's aren't legal becasue they do kill and kill off the natural endorphin channels in the brain, etc, etc...

Alcohol is good for you in moderation and only kills in large doses. As you rightly pointed out about Leah Betts, she OD'ed on water, but I think you'll find that there are now a few hundred cases of people dying from ecstacy, even if in her case she didn't directly die from it, so what are you going to ban, water or the pharmasuiticals?

No why would you ban that ? Teach people how to take water properly when on a particular drug and if they did she would be alive today.

Tobacco is an outright strange one. Personally, I'm not a connaisseur of tobacco, but I'm sure there are different types and flavours when it comes to things like cigars which people do enjoy, and again, if you only have one at Christmas, then it is probably no big deal!

More people these days are dying from being fat, what you gonna do though, ban Golden Wonder Cheesey Wotsits?

Come on people, no matter how you care to defend it, whether it be weed, coke or brown, the crap is destroying communities, families and individuals.

Is alcohol not doing this also ?

I have took Weed, LSD, Speed, Ecstasy and coke over the years, Started off when I was 16. I am now 30. In that time I have left school with decent qualifications. Got a degree and Post Grad from Uni. 3 kids, partner and a good living.

But the amount of drugs I have took over the years is unreal yet I have still did ok in life. So you cant say its destroying communities, families and individuals.
Whoah, do I smell an argument. lol. And before anyone lays into me. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.

Cocaine comes from a plant. Heroin comes from a plant. Coffee comes from a plant. Tobacco comes from a plant. Need I go on??

All these drugs are derivatives from plants, and only through man made intervention have these become more main streem. The incas first used the plant form of cocaine to reach a higher state. As did the american indians, sharmans, the indians used kush or cannabis. It is only when MAN has intervened and chosed to make money from these that the problems have started.

Cannabis for instance, has been banned since early 1900's. It was banned because of cotton farming, as there was no easy way to cultivate the plants cheaply and effectively.

Opium was used by the victorians, and was only banned very recently. Opium is not the same as heroin, heroin is a mixed form of opium with other crap that makes more of it.

Cocaine comes from the coco plant I belive, and was eaten by people in south america to help with illnesses and stuff.

So only through mans intervention have these drugs become bad. Prescription drugs are far worse than anything from a plant. Alcohol is far worse than any illegal drug. How many people die, or are killed as a result of alcohol every year, thousands, yet it is still legal and widely accepted. And both of these are MAN MADE. So only MAN is to blame for the drug culture that we live in.

@madeinbeats if you have never taken drugs, then how can you comment on the effects or the reasons that people take them. You cannot, as you cannot make an informed opinion. I would suggest you speak to FRANK, before you offer to POP anyones head off.

What yer on about. Cyanide comes from a plant... Shall we all start taking that... Lets just go around eating and snorting anything that comes from a plant - it must be harless if it comes from a plant. Pretty poor argument that mate.

How is alcohol man made exactly? lol, think you'll find fermentation is a natural process happening right now under any apple tree.

How can I comment if I have never taken 'drugs', lol, ummm, good point, I guess all the years of clinical trials and evidence are pretty usless then. I don't have shoot myself in the head to know that it kills you. Maybe I was young and foolish once, but once you past a certain age you would think your rashional adult mind and compassion for your fellow man and advancement of society would kick in.

I highly doubt this shipment was designated to practising shamans

I will talk to Frank though, I'll ask him what condements he recommends when I'm eating coke'eds for breakfast:proud:
Weed isn't legal becasue it causes psycosis.

Actually that statement couldnt be farther from the truth. THC tetrahydracanabinol actually contains a psychoactive that actually protects the brain, and stops psycosis. This has recently been proven by a team of scientists in Canada. Therefore how can it cause psycosis. Only people with predetermened problems have ever developed psycosis, and this was a pre-rendered condition, and they just chose to blame it on cannabis, there is absolutely no evidence that THC causes psycosis. You sound like the public films they used to show in the 50s about how one spliff would drive you mad. Try reading about the subject you chose to speak out about, before speaking out about it.

Ever heard of a guy called Jack Herrer? Watch the documentary about it, he is way cleverer than anyone I know, and has fought for years for cannabis to be declassified from the drug scale. Your argument is seriously flawed.

As for your banning of water, perhaps you should google dihydrogen monoxide, and read the paper an american kid wrote on this foul chemical, and how many people actually chose to ban it, and make it one of the worst drugs available. Yes I know what it is, but you should read the paper. I think it was 60% or so of people that wanted to ban said chemical.

I aint saying that people who do drugs dont cause problems. But those who drink cause the same problems if not worse, just they are more accepted. If the government followed other coutries application of drugs then UK would be better. Holland has the lowest drug dependency rate in Europe, why do you think that is? Through education, and application. The government could easily legalise all drugs, and put a massive tax on them all. Its only the fact that these drugs are illegal that causes problems, as the people who sell them, dont really care, and just want the cash, so mix it with anything to make it go further. If it was regulated then you could tell what went into the drugs, and where it came from.

Cyanide I believe is made from crushed glass, and not from a plant, but I may be wrong there.
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Well, that's a common argument used by a lot of people. I think the conspiracy of they aint legal becasue the government can't tax them is just a ledgend. Think coke, for example, isn't legal becasue if it was, it would be cheaper, people would be doing it like drinking a pint and the hossys would be jam packed full of red faced people complaining of chest pains thnking that everyone is out to get them.

Weed isn't legal becasue it causes psycosis. E's aren't legal becasue they do kill and kill off the natural endorphin channels in the brain, etc, etc...

Alcohol is good for you in moderation and only kills in large doses. As you rightly pointed out about Leah Betts, she OD'ed on water, but I think you'll find that there are now a few hundred cases of people dying from ecstacy, even if in her case she didn't directly die from it, so what are you going to ban, water or the pharmasuiticals?

Tobacco is an outright strange one. Personally, I'm not a connaisseur of tobacco, but I'm sure there are different types and flavours when it comes to things like cigars which people do enjoy, and again, if you only have one at Christmas, then it is probably no big deal!

More people these days are dying from being fat, what you gonna do though, ban Golden Wonder Cheesey Wotsits?

Come on people, no matter how you care to defend it, whether it be weed, coke or brown, the crap is destroying communities, families and individuals.

Weed is destroying communities!!!!!
Did you say weed is destroying communities?

You know ive never seen two stoned guys fight in my life.
I have never seen people who take hash go out and robb to buy hash.
Drugs are the same as many things you listed up there, in other words take them in moderation.

There are other reasons people take drugs apart from being young,silly and gullible.
They enjoy taking certain drugs.
So are we honestly saying that taking a few joints at the weekend is worse than alchohol?
Sorry mate but i think you just kinda killed your own argument off there.

[ame=]YouTube - Bill Hicks - Drugs and Evolution[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - bill hicks drugs and music[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Bill Hicks - Positive Drug Story[/ame]
I have took Weed, LSD, Speed, Ecstasy and coke over the years, Started off when I was 16. I am now 30. In that time I have left school with decent qualifications. Got a degree and Post Grad from Uni. 3 kids, partner and a good living.

But the amount of drugs I have took over the years is unreal yet I have still did ok in life. So you cant say its destroying communities, families and individuals.

What, based on you?!?!?!? Are you crazy mate. You've been lucky, but are you seriouslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy telling me that there aren't people who have done the same as you, even less than that and haven't ended up f'ed up in the head? and we are not just talking about, like, a handfull of people here... !?!?!?

Besides that, I think I'd want a medical opinion on the effects it's had on you as I doubt you are best judge.. Don't mean any effence by that, just that you wouldn't know if you had and would wouldn't care to acknowledge it to yourself.
What, based on you?!?!?!? Are you crazy mate. You've been lucky, but are you seriouslyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy telling me that there aren't people who have done the same as you, even less than that and haven't ended up f'ed up in the head? and we are not just talking about, like, a handfull of people here... !?!?!?

Besides that, I think I'd want a medical opinion on the effects it's had on you as I doubt you are best judge.. Don't mean any effence by that, just that you wouldn't know if you had and would wouldn't care to acknowledge it to yourself.

I wouldnt know if I have suffered any ill effects :err: I think I would notice something. I didnt ask you to take it on medical grounds. But you are saying that drugs fucks up families end off. Which is nonsense.

I aint been lucky mate, I just read about wht I take, or test what I take to the best of my abilities. But there must be millions of lucky people every weekend, Cos if at the hight of my drug taking I was taking about 10 on a night out, so you think about the amount that is used every weekend. thats not luck mate.
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Come on guys, you're cherry picking your facts and arguments and trying to justify something with semantics of law legislation... It doesn't work like that.

You're just cybernoughts trying to twist the facts so you don't have to pick your conscience. Hoppy, mate, please don't try and sign a debate off in your favour with a rotfl and stating I've killed the argument off!

I've seen violent pot heads, I've seen it all mate. So, you are telling me that there aren't thousands of people on the dole who aren't motivated because they smoke weed every day? How is that benefiting society exactly?

I can kill this debate with one statement lads.

How does substance abuse provide anything positive for the future of this planet?
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But you are saying that drugs fucks up families end off. Which is nonsense.

That's dangerous talk mate, that's like saying the moon doesn't exist. You have been very, very lucky... so far... I don't think you would know, sort of like how an alcy won't admit they are one. I think the damages of most of this generation's shameless gorging of substance abuse won't be truely visible until they are in their 50's, 60's and 70's... I think altzimers destroys families as well...
Come on guys, you're cherry picking your facts and arguments and trying to justify something with semantics of law legislation... It doesn't work like that.

You're just cybernoughts trying to twist the facts so you don't have to pick your conscience. Hoppy, mate, please don't try and sign a debate off in your favour with a rotfl and stating I've killed the argument off!

I've seen violent pot heads, I've seen it all mate. So, you are telling me that there aren't thousands of people on the dole who aren't motivated because they smoke weed every day? How is that benefiting society exactly?

I can kill this debate with one statement lads.

How does substance abuse provide anything positive for the future of this planet?

Ok fella, look a don't wanna fall out or create a huge argument about this ok.
You have yours and i have my opinion.
Fact is we won't reach any common ground on this one and that's fair enough.

I just find a lot of your points very closed minded mate that's all.
I just fail to see why smoking a joint is more harmful than having a pint.
To me that's simply listening to a government that doesn't have a clue..