Another fuel duty rise from midnight


Inactive User
Jul 30, 2006
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Made in Belfast
Just to make it clear, this is not Opec or not the oil companies doing's the government who promised no fuel duty rises for a year and this is the 3rd.

A two pence rise in fuel duty will come into effect from midnight, the third increase in nine months. Stephen Glaister, director of road users' pressure group RAC Foundation, told the BBC the government's latest rise "will hit everybody hard".
When VAT is included, the increase will actually total 2.3p. The average price of petrol across the UK is about 105p per litre.
The government says the extra duty is needed to help fund public investment.
'Huge effect'
AA president Edmund King said the timing of the rise was "pretty dire", at a time when the UK economy was trying to exit recession.
Mr King said its members were already having to cut back on car journeys due to the high price of fuel, and that this would only increase following the latest rise, meaning the government's revenues will not actually rise.
The Petrol Retailers Association pointed out that the price of fuel would increase again when VAT increases from 15% to 17.5% at the end of the year.
"It would have been preferable for the government to defer this increase until 2010," its spokesman said.
Jo Tanner, director of communications at the Freight Transport Association (FTA), said existing high fuel prices were already having a "huge effect" on its members.
She said the freight transport sector had already seen its fuel bills rise by £800m since last December, at the same time as a 50% increase in insolvencies.
Richard George, a road and climate campaigner at the Campaign for Better Transport, said the government should be spending the duty increase on public transport, and not just putting it into the government's general budget.
"If the money was going into public transport, drivers would be better off as there would be less cars on the road, less congestion for them," he said.
Supermarket group Morrisons said it would not be increasing the cost of fuel at its forecourts until 6 September.


FFS, why not just sell me a dildo with my car... that way I can go shaft myself, save the gov doing it to me ! fk sake !
theyre installing webcams on every fuel pump in the country, that way youll always be able to see someone local being fukced live on camera lol
Morrisons are not passing the rise on to the customer

Well that's good news, but you have to queue to get into morrisons now, with them being the cheapest in our area.

How come when the news report petrol rises they always ask friends of the earth for their views, what the feck is it got to do with these dafties.

Well that's good news, but you have to queue to get into morrisons now, with them being the cheapest in our area.

How come when the news report petrol rises they always ask friends of the earth for their views, what the feck is it got to do with these dafties.


Aye kinda wondered about that myself Dave.
They usually get upset when diesel goes up in price as it costs them more to fuel their clapped out ex ambulances that they seem to live in under motorway reservations.

Still trying to beat your archery highest score fella but i did beat your 10pin bowling score.:banana:
Aye kinda wondered about that myself Dave.
They usually get upset when diesel goes up in price as it costs them more to fuel their clapped out ex ambulances that they seem to live in under motorway reservations.

Still trying to beat your archery highest score fella but i did beat your 10pin bowling score.:banana:

The archery was a pure fluke when I got it mate lol, but I was proud of the 10 pin took me ages ya rotter lol.

it wont be long before we see fuel blockades again.We should do what the french do and force this muppet goverment in to doing somthing.
Lol funny you should say that mate, the BBC news reported that they were dearer than us per litre. :FRIGHT:


we not long been back from france, we paid 1.27 euro, converted £1.12 a litre.unleaded, diesel is cheaper over there than the uk
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Morrisons are only freezing it for a week. Time for all the bio diesel post to start again.
If this means less cars on the road then I support it.
If this means less cars on the road then I support it.

Won't happen though will it?? i mean if i had no money for fuel but had money for food.. i would half it and buy both... at the end of the day i need to go out and earn the next pay to pay for fuel and food..

The only thing which will stop global warming is 9/11 once a week...

But this isnt about climate change, its about the goverment purse feeling a little lite...
Won't happen though will it?? i mean if i had no money for fuel but had money for food.. i would half it and buy both... at the end of the day i need to go out and earn the next pay to pay for fuel and food..

The only thing which will stop global warming is 9/11 once a week...

But this isnt about climate change, its about the goverment purse feeling a little lite...

Wasn't there less traffic on the roads last time out when petrol when over £1/litre?

I agree that this isn't the way to tackle climate change but it's a start whether intentional or not.

This isn't the only taxable increase we're likely to see as we simply can't raise interest rates to pay off our spiralling national debt so indirect taxation is how we'll all be shafted in years to come. This is just the beginning and the price we'll pay for bailing out the banks. Once inflation kicks in we're all screwed.
Wasn't there less traffic on the roads last time out when petrol when over £1/litre?

I agree that this isn't the way to tackle climate change but it's a start whether intentional or not.

This isn't the only taxable increase we're likely to see as we simply can't raise interest rates to pay off our spiralling national debt so indirect taxation is how we'll all be shafted in years to come. This is just the beginning and the price we'll pay for bailing out the banks. Once inflation kicks in we're all screwed.

Mate - you are ovbsoully one of these narrow minded people who thing cars are to blame for climeate change - Why dont you go and do some proper searcher and you'll find out that the car has very little to play with this bull shite the goverment/tree huggers are saying.

1.05 a liter is fucking bollock man - This counrty baffels me somewhat. Probbley because its run by narrow minded twats who like to do everything wrong.
ill do a gooder searcher nixttime and hopefruity is learn sumtink.

i love you joe1999,yous rally toughts me much 2day

Whats wrong? Do you not have enough intelligence to actually backup your bull shite with any facts? Or are you in fact a twat who can only try and insult people. Idiot.