England Fan Shot for Chanting


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Jan 14, 2002
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An England soccer fan has been shot and wounded in an incident just days before Saturday's World Cup qualifier against Kazakhstan, it has been disclosed.
The supporter was shot in the leg in a bar in neighbouring Kyrgyzstan, after a local apparently took exception to the chanting of him and his friends.
A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: "We can confirm that a British citizen was shot in the leg in a bar in Bishkek.
"The British honorary consul is liaising with those involved and with the local authorities."
She said the incident happened on Tuesday.
Thursday's Sun newspaper said that the fan, in his 30s and from Rochdale, Lancashire, was back with his friends after discharging himself from hospital, where the bullet was removed.
A local in the bar told him and his friends to stop chanting and shot him in the thigh with a pistol when they carried on, the newspaper added.

Source: MSN

Lol, you don't mess around with the locals in Khazakhstan
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An England soccer fan has been shot and wounded in an incident just days before Saturday's World Cup qualifier against Kazakhstan, it has been disclosed.
The supporter was shot in the leg in a bar in neighbouring Kyrgyzstan, after a local apparently took exception to the chanting of him and his friends.
A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: "We can confirm that a British citizen was shot in the leg in a bar in Bishkek.
"The British honorary consul is liaising with those involved and with the local authorities."
She said the incident happened on Tuesday.
Thursday's Sun newspaper said that the fan, in his 30s and from Rochdale, Lancashire, was back with his friends after discharging himself from hospital, where the bullet was removed.
A local in the bar told him and his friends to stop chanting and shot him in the thigh with a pistol when they carried on, the newspaper added.

Source: MSN

Lol, you don't mess around with the locals in Khazakhstan

you mean locals from Kyrgyzstan lol

its a joke though that where ever our fans go, be an england game or a club european tie, always something seems to happen....

An England soccer fan has been shot and wounded in an incident just days before Saturday's World Cup qualifier against Kazakhstan, it has been disclosed.
The supporter was shot in the leg in a bar in neighbouring Kyrgyzstan, after a local apparently took exception to the chanting of him and his friends.
A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: "We can confirm that a British citizen was shot in the leg in a bar in Bishkek.
"The British honorary consul is liaising with those involved and with the local authorities."
She said the incident happened on Tuesday.
Thursday's Sun newspaper said that the fan, in his 30s and from Rochdale, Lancashire, was back with his friends after discharging himself from hospital, where the bullet was removed.
A local in the bar told him and his friends to stop chanting and shot him in the thigh with a pistol when they carried on, the newspaper added.

Source: MSN

Lol, you don't mess around with the locals in Khazakhstan

it dont sound too nice. but is this a bit overblown? the guy was discharged from hospital lickety split, what was he shot with, a spud gun? only in films do, ordinary, people walk away, with a plaster on the wound, after being shot.