Dbox fix

Yep same here in wigan! All good after the new keyroll and having auto update back on works a treat.

Thanks again for the work Gurus


Thank you to all who worked on the fix TW rolled again so i can confirm the fix works :Cheers:
big thanks to all those who have put time and effort into this fix and for sharing: thanks :

I'd like a quick update too. There are a bunch of rom files in "disabled" folder on my box....replaced the nagrarom7 file without a problem and it worked then died again after 5 mins and needed a reboot. Will see if the same happens.
call me thick but what is ftp.......... yes im female as u can tell lol do i just delete rom 11 and 10 or do i have to do more

FTP the nagrarom7 file to your /var/scce or /var/keys folder, where ever it is on your box.
Delete rom10 and rom11 files, leaves you with rom7 files
Restart emu or reboot box.

FTP stands for file transfer protocol and involves using an FTP client and a network cable from your PC/Laptop (where the fixed file is) and your box.

FTP the nagrarom7 file to your /var/scce or /var/keys folder, where ever it is on your box.
Delete rom10 and rom11 files, leaves you with rom7 files
Restart emu or reboot box.

FTP stands for file transfer protocol and involves using an FTP client and a network cable from your PC/Laptop (where the fixed file is) and your box.


delete the .bin files referencing rom10 or 11 wherever they appear on the box or just within the folder.

Can somebody be a bit more specific...I think it's working but had to reboot again a sec ago?
Hi guys can anyone help me iv got lacky pro august and have only got nagra rom10 files ive deleted them all and added the rom7 fix but its still not working. Have i done this wrong or is the fix no good for lacky?
I cant get the link to work and cant connect to a PC is it possible to fix via the remote only and if so how, please help ?!!!
Thanks guys, fixed for now, waiting for next keyroll and see if I've done it right and it stays on.

Once again all your hard work is appreciated.
megaupload forever shows the 3letters never starts the download after the waiting time...just refreshes the 3 letters!!!
I cant get the link to work and cant connect to a PC is it possible to fix via the remote only and if so how, please help ?!!!

Unfortunately it is a fix done by FTP no remote for this one... as for megacrapload
it is hopeless for me too!
Unfortunately it is a fix done by FTP no remote for this one... as for megacrapload
it is hopeless for me too!

If you have a computer (which you obviously do) why is a FTP fix no use for you?

It is something you will need to set up in order to change/ transfer files in the future.

my box went off so i copied the file over and deleated 10 n 11 but still no joy do i need to enter new key first