This is going to be VERY controversial but..

I have left the kids on their own in bed sleeping and a lot of parents do the same without any issue's as long as we do regular checks.Parents also leave 'em in the car if the young ones are asleep and keep an eye on them.


If you do that then you are an irresponsible fool.
Whats a regular check?
It only takes seconds for tragedy to strike. Not just kidnapping but what about fire or a kid getting out of bed and being scared out of their mind because the house is empty.
Regular checks mean didly squat m8. KIDS SHOULD NOT BE LEFT ASLEEP ALONE AT ANY TIME.
Thats my rant over.
Ive been holidaying with my 2 kids since they were 2 and 4 , every year, now they are 18 and 20 and i still cant sleep till they are in safe.

when they were very young, they never left my sight, i wouldnt even trust the foreign baby sitting services.

They are my responsibility therefore if anything goes wrong then i am the one held responsible and no one else.
Ive been holidaying with my 2 kids since they were 2 and 4 , every year, now they are 18 and 20 and i still cant sleep till they are in safe.

when they were very young, they never left my sight, i wouldnt even trust the foreign baby sitting services.

They are my responsibility therefore if anything goes wrong then i am the one held responsible and no one else.
Im the same m8 and mine are 24 22 and 19 and i still worry about them.
I would never have left them alone when they were young.
Mind you when you leave them alone now its a different set of worries (parties)
Im the same m8 and mine are 24 22 and 19 and i still worry about them.
I would never have left them alone when they were young.
Mind you when you leave them alone now its a different set of worries (parties)

I agree. i have 2 daughters so i guess its a bit more worrying.

like coming in drunk ?
is someone stalking them ?
are they safe ?
what time will they be in ?
i make sure they get a taxi home.

Thats before the trouble of some of the idiots, rapists, robbers, druggies, that are about these days.

i work dodgy shifts , sometimes i have to be up 4.45 a.m. yet i still cant sleep till my daughters are in , and sometimes its about 1 a.m.

sorry to be a little off subject here but, i think it is something to be said about parents love for their children and even adults now in my case.

i know that it only takes a second for an accident to happen but it can be avoided.

A mate from my work got a call the other day at work.

his daughter was playing in the local park, some lad let his pit bull off the lead , and it mauled his daughter to bit ( you might have seen it on the news in the last couple of days )
She is still in hospital and having nightmares.

the moral of the story is , take your eyes off your kids for a few minutes, then they can get into real difficulty.
these people are too ice cool calm...........both are doctors on a combined income of about £175,000 per year, could they afford a decent baby sitter or even afford to hire a nanny from the UK for the duration of there holidays????

There is definitely something fishy going on.
to be honest with you all, I dont think they could of hid their Child quick enough to get away with a murder, so perhaps she was just kidnapped and thats that....
I have left the kids on their own in bed sleeping and a lot of parents do the same without any issue's as long as we do regular checks.Parents also leave 'em in the car if the young ones are asleep and keep an eye on them.


If you do that then you are an irresponsible fool.
Whats a regular check?
It only takes seconds for tragedy to strike. Not just kidnapping but what about fire or a kid getting out of bed and being scared out of their mind because the house is empty.
Regular checks mean didly squat m8. KIDS SHOULD NOT BE LEFT ASLEEP ALONE AT ANY TIME.
Thats my rant over.

object to being classed as an irresponsible fool, you can go on holiday and pay for the reps to keep an eye on the kids when your out, they do or at least did a baby sitting service whereby you pay a few quid and they will run a check on them every hour (not an actual babysitting service) it used to be in the brochures as an extra,then if they discovered a problem they would come and get hold of you. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE between a parent leaving them then checking every so often give me an answer please.
object to being classed as an irresponsible fool, you can go on holiday and pay for the reps to keep an eye on the kids when your out, they do or at least did a baby sitting service whereby you pay a few quid and they will run a check on them every hour (not an actual babysitting service) it used to be in the brochures as an extra,then if they discovered a problem they would come and get hold of you. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE between a parent leaving them then checking every so often give me an answer please.
Sorry m8 if you need an answer to that then i think you are being irresponsable. Object if you like but thats the hard facts. You cannot in this day and age leave children on there own and hope that by checking in on them every hour that they are safe. If you have kids then you have to ensure their well being at all times and that includes not leaving them unattended in their beds whislt you are out enjoying yourself. You either take them with you or stay in or take it in turns to baby sit. Or better still take a babysitter with you.
Haven't read all the posts on this thread as i don't want to take sides or question others theories/beliefs on this but IMO the parents havent seemed right from the start.

I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and i believe my actions would be a lot different from thiers and i would never even contimplate jet hopping all over the world when my wee chick was missing.

Yet again i wouldn't leave her unattended in a foriegn country alone, i panic when she disappears in local supermarket for less than 2 mins.

IMO the mother seems cold and the father seems to be hiding something.

And now all of a sudden when they become suspects they leave the country.

I hope they didn't have anything to do with it but if they did and if it's proved that they did then they should be locked up for life (and i mean life) and every day they should be shown a picture of that innocent little girl whos life they destroyed (if she has passed).

This is only my opinion and if they are innocent then i'm saddend for thier loss but they should be held responsible as it was thier actions that caused this to happen in the first place.

I will not reply or visit this thread again as i only wanted to voice my opinion.

My tuppence worth

Hi all,

I would like to think I am impartial but the parent/s ARE guilty of a crime. There seems to be only two explanations to this case.

1. The parent/s are guilty of killing their daughter, either accidentally or deliberately and covering it up. Guilty of killing their daughter.

2. The parent/s left 3 children alone in a foreign country and person/s unknown abducted Maddie. If this is the case then the parents are guilty of neglect and extreme stupidity.

The father is a cardiologist and the mother is a GP. If they left their kids alone in a foreign country how could we trust their judgement when it comes to medical matters?

I am sure these people have hundreds, if not thousands of peoples lives in their hands each year yet they both exhibited a total lack of common sense and care for their own flesh and blood. Would you trust your families lives to people that can't even look after their own children?

I have no opinion myself, but I do have an opinion on both parents ability to perform their medical duties and make good judgements.

I am the eternal optomist but even my hopes of this lovely little girl being found alive are fading fast.


Hi muskrat hope you are well.

Well think about this..............if someone had abducted maddie then why didnt they take any of the other children.........abduction isnt like running down for a pizza..........the culprits must have know the family, known they have kids etc, they must have planned and seized there moment. I assume theres more than one because a man alone with such a small child draws attention and its uncommon for this sort of thing from a lone female.........either way, I think the little girl is no more (poor thing)
the police should ask them if they would n,t mind taking a lie detector test to put this whole circus back on course, seeing though they have n,t got a clue where this is going if they had enough evidence they would have been charged already
People live very different lives in very different social circles, what I would do or what most people on this forum would do in respect of protecting our children is very different from what others would do.

There is the perception of risk to a child that in some social circles is considered very small indeed, as basically these people never mix with with familes of shall we say a lower social status. It is quite possible that being very professional people and living within their own social circles, that Maddies parents believed 9rightly or wrongly) that, the percieved risk to any of their children was miniscule. Now it is easy for us to say otherwise as most of us live in our real world of working class to lower middle class.

I believe it was very naive of the McCanns to leave their children like this, & I was horrified to hear that they had done so. That said I do not accept that these two people have killed their Daughter by accident or otherwise, and then tried to cover it up. Some of their friends who were on holiday with them would also have to have been involved as there was far too much media attention from the offset. How could you hide or dispose of a child after this, hide her and then move her at least 25 days later with all the press following your every move, let alone the police?

I genuinely feel that they have hit realisation that they have fooked up leaving their children alone, only to find one missing later. They are two very proffessional people who's job it is to save lives. They are not like shipman etc who had motives, for personal gain.
I for one feel so very sorry for them even though I think their orginal actions were stupid.

There is no real evidence of any sort whatsover that anything has happend to maddie, other than being kidnapped. Their familes & close friends would sense something different about them if they had done away with maddie. I just can't accept at this time that they have had anything whatsoever to do with thier daughters disappearance.

If things change and very real, not hear say evidence proves otherwise then we can say what they would deserve. Until then most of you have convicted them by bullshit press here say. The press of the World, thrive in posting any shit they want about anyone and most people are so gullible that they seem to accept any made up crap as gospel.

What we seem to do these days is say that everyone is guilty unless they prove their innocence, how can the McCanns do this, the press and your unproven verdicts have them ready for the electric chair with no real sound evidence whatsoever. If they are innocent and I for one believe they are, how can they or in a similar instance could any of you prove you were innocent? when no matter what your actions others would percieve in them some type of guilt? No matter waht you said, where you went, what you did or who you did it. Your fellow forum members would have you tried any found guilty with no evidence whatsoever.
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Where did everyones 'find Madeline' sig's go?

I got flammed for been suspicious when this 1st happened, but everyone is free for a opinion ;)

I just don't get how they are both so strong under pressure.....why do they both look like a million dollars everytime I see them - either on the news or in the papers.

Now if this was me I'd have huge black bags under my eyes, I'd be talking utter bollox from sleep deprevation and I wouldnt know if I was coming or going.

1st thing is 1st, the other 2 children should be taken into care whilst this is going on, can anyone gurantee their safety? Apaling people! Both of them make me SICK!
Where did everyones 'find Madeline' sig's go?

I got flammed for been suspicious when this 1st happened, but everyone is free for a opinion ;)

I just don't get how they are both so strong under pressure.....why do they both look like a million dollars everytime I see them - either on the news or in the papers.

Now if this was me I'd have huge black bags under my eyes, I'd be talking utter bollox from sleep deprevation and I wouldnt know if I was coming or going.

1st thing is 1st, the other 2 children should be taken into care whilst this is going on, can anyone gurantee their safety? Apaling people! Both of them make me SICK!

And you base all of your expert opinion on what you have heard in the press & on TV. Just because people can compile themselves in public makes them guilty now does it.
And you base all of your expert opinion on what you have heard in the press & on TV. Just because people can compile themselves in public makes them guilty now does it.

My expert opinion? wtf are you on about? My opinion is my opinion! What part of leaving the kids resulting in Madeline missing don't u understand? Maybe god told them to do that part so yes ur right pal, not guilty!

wat a tit!!!!!!
My expert opinion? wtf are you on about? My opinion is my opinion! What part of leaving the kids resulting in Madeline missing don't u understand? Maybe god told them to do that part so yes ur right pal, not guilty!

wat a tit!!!!!!

Calm down a bit m8. Elevators made a good point. No one is saying they are not guilty of negligence by leaving the kids alone. That is just wrong. But its a different issue we are talking about. Did they have a hand in her death (if she is dead) most folk are hanging them by judging from press reports hear say and their body language. I hope that they didnt do it and ive gotta believe they didnt do it because it keeps the hope alive that the kid is not dead. The portugees authorities just want this case off their hands one way or another. Lets just wait and see what happens before we all fall out over this.
Well said Ian m8 .. lets not get personal guys ;) keep it a nice Adult debate please
Chill out guys.

After all the Starting thread is titled, " i know this will be contraversial "

Its only peoples opinions at the moment.

nothing is concrete yet.

Only that those kids were left on their own in which the parents should get done for negligence anyway