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v+ & card pairing cost

Interesting thread.. watched it from the start..

Looks like they tried to trick you.. asking if its a eurovox lol..

Ring up and ask for a service call and tell them your au funcard has gone off :) ... come to think of it dont lol..

Warning to other users planning on ringing up to get a box activated.. DONT DO IT... THEY WILL BITE YOU...
funny how you were so quick to jump on my ass eh gooner? i called them up before i made the post, i gave more information about my situation in this thread as a result of the responses i got. i did not give to them any personal details and spoke to them merely as a prospective customer. they did ask me if it was a box like that of eurovox or a ****** media box to which i informed them it was a v+ box, of which the second agent told me there would be no problem/cost in activation.

whenever i come onto digitalworldz it is usually to seek help, offer advice or to have a laugh with a few cheesy lines... not to ignore opinions

From what I read from your earlier posts it looked like you asked for advice, got the advice, ignored it and rang them anyway?? Now you say you didnt give any personal info which changed the dimension of what you said originally??

I wasnt "jumping on your ass" merely pointing out that (as suggested by other members) trying to get a purchased box working as a sub is not feasible and would expose you to trouble. It stands to reason that if the boxes are never owned only rented that 1. the person selling it to you is guilty of theft and 2. you would be guilty of handling/receiving stolen goods?? Alright you could get off your charge by pleading ignorance but either way it would still cause you hassle? You would lose the box you have paid good money for and have to justify having it in the first place!!

Like you I and many others come on here for a laugh and to offer/receive advice - the advice I gave you was sound as it reinforced what you had already been told?

Anyway - im sure you wont have any problems - it would probably cost them more than 5 years subscription to make an example of you!!!
the advice you have given is sound if its not taken they will find out the hard way.
good advice but some people dont want to know.