
Right I'll have to rescan and see what number Rok is

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Bt sport in international or are you on that mate ?

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Ciniplex is on channel 52007 (international)
53150 arirang HD (News and currant affairs)
54210 ROK (international)
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Ciniplex is on channel 52007 (international)
53150 arirang HD (News and currant affairs)
54210 ROK (international)
I've tried adding these but because they don't have an offical sky channel number, they get allocated numbers in 1000+ range and are random and temporary so right now ROK is on channel 1023 but this likely to change on next channel update as other channels get added/removed.

In other words, adding them based on current temporary channel number allocated means it could be replaced with another different channel on next scan.

I would recommend leaving these 3 channels off (at least) until an official sky channel number is allocated to it. Do you think this would be ok?

Also, why would a channel not have an official sky number? Are they no longer officially broadcasting and it's just a test type signal?
yeah thats fine Kev leave them off until official release :)
@Rat, I've managed to get those added.

Hopefully that should be all done now (or mostly all done) but if you can have one final check :)

Remove existing bouquets (via menu should be fine) and then do a config update and rescan.
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I think you/we have cracked it mate from what I can see :)
well done you !!!!! :dance:

I would still like your name on the plugin though Kev
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@Rat, I'm ok with it as it is but I will think about it before final release. Here is v0.5.


  • Back-up of config files in case of problem like DW server down
  • About screen now checks to see if there is a new version of RBM available

When you have time John, could you backup your current image and do a fresh flash of an image that has never had ABM or RBM on it and install RBM just to check it installs and works (ie scans channels).

Thanks again :)

Ive put a backup on that has never had RBM on it
installed plugin and set up
deleted bouquets and then updated config but getting Error Kev

rebooted box and still getting error


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@Rat, try again now. I purposely removed file from server to ensure config update restored files (if applicable) if server was down.

I assume that image never had ABM on it neither?
Yeah works now :)
Nope never had RBM on it
Image backup from May :)

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Shall this be posted in mod section now for further testing/suggestions?
I was thinking the same thing @ketmp :)

Did you wanna post it and explain what new etc ?
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1 thing Ive just thought of Kev
there is no date stamp anywhere so user will know they are using the latest update

on original bouquet I had a bouquet folder with date bouquet was updated

I wonder if this is necessary or there could be something to show date ?


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S4C HD is there mate

I think it might be a good idea to ass Scottish and Welsh Variations back to Bouquets @ketmp ?
I thnk it will be a lot easier for users to get there own channels
What do you think mate


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1 thing Ive just thought of Kev
there is no date stamp anywhere so user will know they are using the latest update
I don't think that would be possible anymore as scans are done via sky's official method (via satellite) to ensure frequency changes are up2date. Users should just do a daily scan early hours like I do would solve most issues.

It's not like old method of having to keep downloading new bouquets from DW server as and when you update them.

All that is required then is a case of adding in new channels or removing channels within the config files as and when that becomes necessary. Basically, all the config files do is re-sort the channels into your way rather than official Sky way so in theory these config files may not need updating themselves often except for adding/removing or moving channels around.

That make sense?

I think it might be a good idea to ass Scottish and Welsh Variations back to Bouquets @ketmp ?
May have to if ABM/RBM can't do it correctly but I will look at it to see if a work-around can be implemented because the way I see it is that once you select your area then the main channels 1-5 should match user preferred SD/HD channel combination (ie SD when HD channel is not your correct region).

So in my case, as I have HD channels in all areas except BBC 1, then I want BBC one to remain as SD so it's local then rather than London area. Ian can have BBC 2 in SD as that's local unlike HD version of BBC2 for him.

This basically saves the hassle of scrolling down the bouquets to the regional variation and having select local SD version of a channel. It should, ideally, do it as automated as it can do and be available from ch 1-5 within entertainment bouquet.

That's my dream anyhow lol :)
Save yourself time mate trying to fix it and add the folders back Im happy with that tbh
Also Radio; there are 4 there and none are my order

tbh john i've just taken 10mins to make those amendments. It would have taken me a lot longer to add another bouquet section back as I would have to find their channel ID, re-assign them new numbers and then re-number all bouquets sections after it.

However, we have a slight issue with regards to ABM. It has a GPLv2 license which says it can be modified but the "about" screen can't. I've therefore added back some info on original developers for ABM in hope that they wont be too concerned. What do you think?

I'm just compiling new ipk now.

There may still be work to be done and I do believe in end some sort of regional will have to be added it's just I'm putting it off due to time it would take.
I totally understand mate
Kev what happens when I come to update the bouquets with new channels ?
The config file is changed. All you need is the original channel number and add it to end of appropriate bouquet section with next available channel number. That is easy option.

Adding regional things though is a bit more work because by design sky don't normally allow you access to regional channels for an area you've not selected so ABM adds these in 1000 channel range and these are the number ranges that can change frequently as everything not given an official channel number is just dumped into that (in no particular order I believe).

I have to get around that by getting channel ID so it wont matter what 1000 channel number it is allocated by ABM.

Hope I haven't confused you.
