Linux raspberry pi

Thanks. I will take a look at purchasing it.

One last question. When I exit XBMC it just goes to a black screen and have to log in remotely to shutdown or reboot. Any suggestions?

It is the way xbmc closes I also have that what I do is close xbmc then reboot the raspberry I have mine connected to a remote controlled power plug so it is easy to power cycle it
The licences are emailed to you
I choose the Exit option from XBMC and after a second or so, the screen just goes black. I had to log in remotely and then reboot Pi.
I choose the Exit option from XBMC and after a second or so, the screen just goes black. I had to log in remotely and then reboot Pi.
yes that is what happens to me as well only I power cycle mine
yes that is what happens to me as well only I power cycle mine

BY the way it also happens when I had xbmc as a second boot on my laptop I would close xbmc and have to restart my laptop to get windows on it
Thanks for reply. Good to know its not just me then :)
Issue 10 March 2013 of The MagPi mag is available on their website. Click Here

I'm following part 2 of the above guide to install sabnzbd. I previously had 6.x installed and working. I uninstalled and followed part to get 7.11 version. I'm on the last step but just cant get it to work. I'm running

sudo su sabnzbd -c "/usr/local/sabnzbd/ -f /var/sabnzbd -s"

and the script just says there is no method to open the url. Any suggestions? Thanks
where it says change that to your RPi's ip address. the address is his Ip address I stuck with 7.3 because when I tried to use the 7.9 i was getting cannot open the ip address of the file
Hi, Yes is my RPi ip address. Was trying with 7.11. I can try using 7.3 hopefully that will work.
Hi I also had sab 6 installed but couldn't integrate it with sickbeard but following the guide I got sab 7.3 installed and working I just didn't bother with his config folders as I was using a usb hdd that already was mounted to /mnt/media/tv where i wanted the tv downloads so i could watch them using either my VU+ duo or XBMC on the raspberry
I am having a problem with mobaxterm I was able to connect to the raspberry and open a lxsession& but now I am getting this error
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
any idea what I have done wrong

I have reflashed my sd card with the backup image and it is all good now so the image must have got corrupted
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Hi I also had sab 6 installed but couldn't integrate it with sickbeard but following the guide I got sab 7.3 installed and working I just didn't bother with his config folders as I was using a usb hdd that already was mounted to /mnt/media/tv where i wanted the tv downloads so i could watch them using either my VU+ duo or XBMC on the raspberry

I had same issue until I changed settings in sickbeard. Its currently set to Black Hole for integration but changed it to use sabnzbd and now it worked OK.
I am having a problem with mobaxterm I was able to connect to the raspberry and open a lxsession& but now I am getting this error
X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.
any idea what I have done wrong

I have reflashed my sd card with the backup image and it is all good now so the image must have got corrupted
I had exact same problem yesterday. Even rebooting Pi several times made no difference. Not until I changed my IP address on my laptop VPN that I managed to connect. Could be Pi was blocking my laptop for some reason.
I am not using a vpn but luckily when i got the RPi setup I used win32diskimager to make a full backup image of sd card so I am to reflash the working setup back to my sd card using the same software
I'm looking at setting up VPN on Rpi. Anyone tried yet? Found this article on how to do it using Himanchi but I'm not clear if it will hide all traffic including nzb downloads?

Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Personal VPN for Secure Browsing Anywhere You Go

OpenVPN works quite nicely on the Pi, either as a client or as a server. It can be a little daunting to set up but there's loads of guides. Just choose the guide for whichever generic distro of linux your using.

Once you connect via the encrypted tunnel then all network traffic becomes encrypted and sent via the tunnel ports. No observer between yourself and the other end of the tunnel can derive either protocol or final destination by examining encrypted data

Note that encrypting data does NOT necessarily make it untraceable. Newsgroup and p2p type traffic is usually monitored at the server end rather than at the client end making it quite difficult to hide your original location unless your going via IP proxies.
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Thanks. I'm using Wheezy and I will take a look at OpenVPN.
my raspberry has been getting errors connecting to to add new shows there is a post in the vip section by madlooney about this but i cant find the files he says to edit anyone know where ./sickbeard/ and ./sickbeard/ are stored
Hi try the following

sudo find / -iname
It may be worth checking sickbeard again before making the changes. I had those errors yesterday and just tried now and its working without those changes.