yweb streaming


Inactive User
Sep 29, 2004
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I have the digitalworldz pro image and tring to stream dbox on my pc I have vlc installed and when i go to live tv all i get is a vlc orange white cone though I can change channels and see epg but no picture, am i missing somthing?
I have the digitalworldz pro image and tring to stream dbox on my pc I have vlc installed and when i go to live tv all i get is a vlc orange white cone though I can change channels and see epg but no picture, am i missing somthing?
set to ucode0014 and evocamd then try bbc1 see if it works
You will need to have VLC running before trying to stream!

If you don't get it going, try BitControl.
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You will need to have VLC running before trying to stream!

If you don't get it going, try BitControl.
You dont need VLC running when using the yweb interface to watch tv on your pc m8.
I think this is what he means could be wrong though.
Sorry m8, thought you did! My bad!

Been ages since I've used it! Normally use Bitcontrol!

I thought if the orange cone comes up then you need to have VLC running!
Just tried the yweb and it works without VLC running.
i will have to give bitcontrol a whirl never used it.
Just tried the yweb and it works without VLC running.
i will have to give bitcontrol a whirl never used it.

Thanks for clearing that up m8! Every day's a school day ;)

What image you running? Maybe dvdvideo could try that as we know it works on yours!
What image you running? Maybe dvdvideo could try that as we know it works on yours!
Thats not possible at the moment if you get what i mean lol.
I will try DW pro and check it works with that.
I cant even see the live tv link in the yweb on the DW Pro image.

Edit: just read the feed back thread and there was a issue with the yweb and needs
to be updated with Pt-1's latest yweb update translation.

@dvdvideo either update the yweb interface or flash a different image on.
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im sure bitcontroll is the better option ,
i can only get yweb to stream FTA anyways if i remember reading it right yweb streams striaght from box missing any of the emu's.
i can only get yweb to stream FTA anyways if i remember reading it right yweb streams striaght from box missing any of the emu's.
Not the case m8 i used yweb last night to check and watched slymovies
and footy today ok aswell.
Not the case m8 i used yweb last night to check and watched slymovies
and footy today ok aswell.
now thatsgonna get me banging my head a bit more m8

for about a year i been thinking that was the case.

off to streem by yweb
cheers m8
So what is the best image for streaming is Don any good?