You think vod is bad read this


Inactive User
Jun 11, 2005
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a pigsty
been chatting to my bro back home.

He tells me his best mate from school works hi up the tech ladder with n*l and he says that the new project they working on involves satelite and microwave technology together.

he also says that when you subscribe to this service a few years time. you have a box and a card. the card is a writable card via the box. but this is the worst part

it sends out over 30000 keys to the network every micro second. so in theory if you were a bionic man and managed to get the keys in for that micro second. by the time you see a picture on your screen (which you would never get to this point anyhow) the keys would have changed over a million times (guesstimate).

Does anybody on this forum know what hes on about. would love to read about this new teck.
If this is expected in "a few years" according to NTL, don't expect to see it in your lifetime. They're still having a hard enough time with VOD, which should be done by the time the everybody else has HDTV.

Either way, if there's "a few years" of life left in my Dbox, I will be very happy.
yea seconded

but shame about vod and lose of frount row

bust be some way to screw vod
cloneing of some sort ?
seems fairly simple to me then...

if 30000 keys are sent every micro second then if they are using the same key structure as now it shouldnt take to long to capture EVERY KEY and work out what encoding algorythm they are using and crack it, after all the new box has to have an idea what key is coming next or the code would be useless...

cant see it lasting too long after all it has to be old tech because i dont think N*L have the $$ to develop their own encryption...

just my thought and i may be wrong..
wenglishboy said:
been chatting to my bro back home.

it sends out over 30000 keys to the network every micro second. so in theory if you were a bionic man and managed to get the keys in for that micro second. by the time you see a picture on your screen (which you would never get to this point anyhow) the keys would have changed over a million times (guesstimate).

Does anybody on this forum know what hes on about. would love to read about this new teck.

Cards and subbed boxes are not able to process such quick key changes.
Maybe you should first try to understand how DVB and scrambling systems are working.
mgb said:
Cards and subbed boxes are not able to process such quick key changes.
Maybe you should first try to understand how DVB and scrambling systems are working.
Given that it's still just a rumor, and not even from a credible source, there is no real proof that this does, or will ever, work, so let's just settle down and worry about something else, shall we?
wow imagine the data processing involved in that! we'd need industrial strength cooling fans fitted to our boxes to cool down those mega-awesome power processors... i'd say that (given its NTL were talking about), this situation/rumour is impossible.
señor ding dong said:
If this is expected in "a few years" according to NTL, don't expect to see it in your lifetime. They're still having a hard enough time with VOD, which should be done by the time the everybody else has HDTV.

Either way, if there's "a few years" of life left in my Dbox, I will be very happy.
Dont forget too that the network is nearly full they dont have as much space as satilite and HDTV takes up so much space compared to standard digital. They could try converting it to mp4 mind but then they would have to replace all the stb's which wont happen lol
wenglishboy said:
it sends out over 30000 keys to the network every micro second.

I think you've probably mis-interpreted this a bit. There is simply no requirement to change keys this fast on a per customer basis as the actual video frames aren't transmitted that fast. With Mpeg all thats really needed is new keys every 8 secs or so which is pretty much what already happens !

The hardware you are talking about is possibly something to do with generating unique session management/encryption keys for all customers. I think the eventual idea is for everything to be on a vod basis and each customers stream to be managed/encrypted using a totally seperate set of keys which are served on a per session basis. With potentially several million different customers watching streams encrypted with different keys i'm sure where you can see the 30000/uS figure might come in.
latest from my bro. says wont be long before n*l pull out of the cable industry and leave it to small fry. i tried getting estimate of time. He did say though that. apparently each box will have a bounce back answer for all the keys???? dont ask me what that is. i think that the keys will continue to change only if the correct answer from the box is given. and that it will be on a continous loop. every second or so. He is very vauge indeed when questioned on this issue my bruv says. when pushed he backs away completely. so i told my brother to meet up with him get him pissed find him a hoar and take some photos so he could blackmail him. will let you know what comes of it.
Wot the fook has this got to dbox2
I will move it to general cable
sorry for posting in dox section. i thought i would share it with the regulars to this forum as this is where i got most usefull info and friends... should have checked first.
reading this makes me think we need a fiction/rumour section LOL
wenglishboy said:
latest from my bro. says wont be long before n*l pull out of the cable industry and leave it to small fry..

That utter shyte.. who is your brother a betting agency..

5 billion is at stake.. what clown on earth is going to turn that down.. i mean i cant even see it when they have merged..

your brother must have ms or something did he work for C&W or Nynex??
Fook me they cant even get thier cards to update anywhere near that time and the processing requirements on each box would out strip any saving made from piracy.
if anything i reckon they'll go down the sky encryption route . tried and tested and not easy to blag .
Hang on a minute.We are talking 3 billion key changes a second here.A key is 8 bytes long that means manipulating 24 billion bytes a second just to change a key.Can't see a stb doing that for quite a while.I doubt if a Cray supercomputer can manage that.