xbox error 16 help


Inactive User
Nov 29, 2005
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i read about this error on various website and find out at this iss a dashboard error or somthin my xbox unmodified with error 16 will it be fixed i put chip on or i have to fix that error first? Thanks in advance for the help
your right in saying that it's specifically a dashboard error.
When you install your chip you will have to install a new dash', so technically this would get by your problem.
However, I'm not sure why the M$ dash would throw up an error like that unless it's been corrupted somehow, maybe a HDD error?
I'm pretty sure that a chip install, or perhaps a softmod and new dashboard would solve it m8.
Someone correct me if I'm wide of the mark :)
i thnk it would solve it untill you want to play on live. then you wont beable to load to the m$ dash.
i think away round it might be for someone to upload a backup of there m$ dash which you then copy onto a new hard drive (which has new dash if your thinking of modding it that is.
madnlooney said:
i thnk it would solve it untill you want to play on live. then you wont beable to load to the m$ dash.
i think away round it might be for someone to upload a backup of there m$ dash which you then copy onto a new hard drive (which has new dash if your thinking of modding it that is.
if he does modd it then he can run slayers 2.6 and it will formatt and rebuild a retail drive thus restoring the ms dash
he can then install all apps from slayers and then should be able to boot to either evox or original dasboard when disabling the modchip
Your right about the BIOS, only flashed to Bank 1, as I have this chip in one of my machines.
When you say FRAGging, do you mean Flashing Red And Green, or 3 reboots then red?
Edit: oops forgot to ask what Bios you flashed it with?
it was 1 mb bios which i used for it download from some file sharing software
but then i find out that i have to combine bios file with one avaible at teamx website in order to get the proper bios for xbox and it reboots three time and then start flashing green and red