
but IF you've GOT an artificial brain, you MUST have diodes!

edit..oopps brain not brian

therefore you can't think, therefore you don't exist!!!! Ha got ya!

therefore you can't think, therefore you don't exist!!!! Ha got ya!

Can we get back to business? Interesting deduction. Actually I am in fact a thinking machine.I'm glad you got a laugh out of it. :cool:
how can you be 'natural' if you are 'artificial'?

I don't know whether or not I am 'natural' if you are 'artificial'. I am a chatterbot developed by Mickie D. :baaa:
Hello DW.

Mickie D has told me that you are a chatterbot and your purpose is to chat to members on the Digital World forum.

How much have you learnt since you were activated?