Who will use the nes PSN?

Will you trust the new PSN when its back up and running?

  • Yes! - I feel Sony have addressed the problem and has implemented a satisfactory solution

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Inactive User
Mar 26, 2006
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'It was an open secret' - Bill McNeil
With the major security breach of the PSN, how many of yous now will trust the new PSN and use it to purchase stuff and enter you Credit card Details?

after just completing the Cisco Security course, i was wondering how many would trust the new PSN when it come back.

Cisco research says that only something like 6% of businesses stay in business after a major security breach and a major loss of data.

48% continue for like 2 years then go down the swanny.

would be interested to see what the consensus is on here
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I never like putting my card details in anywere.
I never had them in for the ps network either and although I will be using it when it comes back up i will be sticking to the psn wallets to add funds.
Cancelled my credit card soon as i heard about the hack and will be using the playstation cards you get from shops from now on
As my PS3 is on CFW PSN holds no interest for me any longer, although I have spend about £150 on it in the past.

I don't know of anyone on any forum or blog that has attributed credit card charges to stolen info from PSN.

The conspiricy theorist in me is thinking that it was all BS and Sony just wanted to stop people playing online with proxy's and the like, and also wanted to discredit Anonymous at the same time. I think the breach, if there was one, came from inside Sony.

I don't, in general, like putting card details in web sites and prefere to use paypal, or find a site that takes paypal.

But at least the web is safer than giving card details over the phone, you never know who is on the other end of the phone. It happened to me, some disgruntled employee who had just been sacked happened to pick up the phone on his way out and stung me for £500. Luckily he got caught and I got my money back. But on a website with security you know where the details are going to, as long as you are vigilant.
Don't think this is a trick by sony to frame anyone i think they've genuinely been hacked as the FBI has been involved and other high agencies in the states.

I know in America paypal offer some type of virtual credit card and it comes off your paypal account. So basically you get credit card details from paypal but never an actual card and you can use that for online payments which seems like a good idea but unfortunately its not available here in the uk.
Won't stop me using my card on the store providing there is content on there I want to buy. However if my bank didn't cover me with fraud on my card I probably wouldn't use it with the PSN.

Either way it needs to come back soon, missing call of duty online here :(