Who is winning DVD Audio or SACD?

The Mackem

Member ++
Feb 3, 2003
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Well hoping to buy a DVD player shortly. However do I opt for just DVD or DVD with DVD Audio or SACD? From reading the press DVD Audio is slowly winning the race for the next Audio format. But do I play it safe and opt for a machine with both SACD and DVD Audio playback. I was considering the new JVC N7 to fit in with my JVC setup. Also it supports DVD Audio which if press reports are true is superior to SACD. But which format has the most support, anyone know?

to be honest rob dvd audio does seem 2 be the manufacturers choice (when cost effective )but if u can get a system with both at a reasonable price wot have u got too lose
I was just wondering which format has the most titles available for it so far? DVD players that support both DVD Audio and SACD are still quite a bit more expensive than players supporting only one format. We'll have to see what's available at what prices when I buy one then.
Being from the industy I can tell you that everyones money is on DVD-A however as the costs of putting both formats on the same chipset is getting cheaper and cheaper it wont matter soon.

For political reasons, were to fond of SACD due to it being developed s**y.

listening tests on the same discs on both formats resulted in a mixed bag, there as good as each other in my opinion, however DVD A has those winning three letters D V D :T