What are the best clones


Inactive User
Dec 12, 2010
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Need a new sat box and was looking at getting a clone Just wanted to know what was the best clones to look out for and do I need to avoid
In my opinion there are no best and worse. All depends on where you get them.
With clones, i found that if you get a good one, it will be really good and will serve just as good as an original. But if you get a bad one then you have problems every other day and end up replacing parts, reflashing etc.
Dreamboxes are pretty easy to set up tho and you will get a lot of help from members here.
But in saying that im not saying that other boxes are bad as i have not tried them so ask around in other sections you might get an easier option.
I was first looking at getting a Vu+box but at the moment I don't have that kind of money so I've been looking around for something cheaper but still do's hd and recording etc/ Some one told me about these new Blade 7000hd box's but I've heard mixed things about them and that they have problems with the cline [cs]. Then I heard about these new db800hd with the new revision M tuner and there supposed to be good
I've got a DM800 with Ferrari sim and an ALPS tuner which works pretty much fine, no glitching or anything like that. It's just not as responsive as my VU+ Duo, doesn't have dual tuners, hasn't got the wonderful VIX image supported and is prone to the odd rare crash.
deleted original response was in wrong thread
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