

Inactive User
Jun 30, 2007
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Getting sunburnt in SoCal
Anyone here had/has or know someone who has/had Vitiligo? I got info from the doc plus read the wiki but always useful to hear first hand experiences.

My lad has come up with patches so went to see the Dermatologist. Cost me $125 (good money here if your a medic, dentist etc). Money not the issue here but the doc said it is a case of Vitiligo and he see's 1 or 2 cases a month.

Wife is pretty distraught but the doc has given a small sample of protopic to try.
Vitiligo is usually associated with thyroid issues, so it may be an idea to check that out as well.

At the moment, Vitiligo is untreatable.
There are a number of websites & forums around to lend an ear, discuss individual circumstances etc.
These would be a good starter for you to clue up on the disease (I hate that word).

Protopic is unavailable in the UK, the doc's here do not provide anything to deal with it, not that there's anything out there which makes a difference anyway.

Try to keep your boy covered up when it's sunbathing weather, get him plastered in high factor sunblock.

If he does get a bit of a tan, then the vit is more noticeable.
In the winter, the tan fades, and the affected patches will blend into the surrounding areas, and no-one would ever know he has it.

I've just noticed that I'm whittering on here without knowing (or really caring) what colour your skin is.
The fact is that pale skinned individuals can get away covering up better than darker skinned people.

If it is really noticeable, then you can apply a bit of makeup to blend in the patches.

It's maybe a tad tough to say, and pretty hard to understand at the mo', but your lad should start treating it as a joke, or making light of it when someone asks him about it.

There are a lot of people who will stare, it's best if he can deal with them upfront rather than let it get him down.

The current Mrs r0m has it.
She is in a customer facing role, and loves winding people up about it.
She's told people that it's highly contagious, that she's going for the Jersey cow look, her fake tan went horribly wrong etc. She also feigns shock when someone points it out to her.

Generally speaking...people are stupid & insensitive.
Your lad will really need to learn to deal with it in his own way, I personally think the way the Mrs deals with it is a whole lot healthier than getting upset every time someone says something.

I'm sure you, your wife and the wee fella will come to terms with it soon enough, please don't fork out any more money to some quack who is unable to provide a solution, or any help whatsoever.

As for the makeup route, you're maybe best telling him that it's to blend the edges to make it less noticeable, do NOT use the word "makeup" :)

Anyway m8, I hope you can all come to terms with it and accept the situation soon.

My PM's are on if you want a natter.

Thanks for that incredible helpful post. wife was so worried which is why I went to see a doc. It is more peace of mind but has not really helped the wife much, she is worried sick. The doc also suggested sunbloc cream. Protopic is something that may help, worth a try as the doc said but he could not guarantee results. It takes at least 2 months to start seeing any results.

Lad is a bit embarrassed which is not surprising considering he is in his teens.

Surprised nothing in the UK. Sounds like nhs find it either not worth it or too expensive.

I will look into the thyroid issue as well. Cheers
i m8 and t.b.h the worst part is explaining to new peeps in the summer what it is.
i was early teens when i got and so knob doctor failed my navy medical because of it .Fortunatelly the RAF sent me to specialist who looked at me for all of 30 secs as i had a tan and said i was wasting his time as my pigmintation was on shins and wrist,underarm and no problem.
He also said the skin that doesnt tan is like a fair persons skin and burns easily .
This is true and i really burnt my feet with flip flops when i was abroad so you do need to be carefull in hot climate.
The worst thing i found about this was in summertime going into nightclubs it really did stick out and i was concsious but after a few beers i forgot all about it.
Being up front about it was best for me cos you can tell peeps dying to ask what it is.
hope this helps
cheers chronoman
Thanks for those words of advice chronoman. the lad has it big time on his shins but luckily not so big under the eyes and ears. Sometimes it is damn hot here so will have to remind the lad to be careful more often. Unfortunately he is too young to drink beer here plus legal age in California is 21.