Vera is Dead!



only joking

(only cause i find it boring)
Vera's final moments on the street here

Must say i had a tear in my eye, good acting all round , shame cos vera and jack made corrie worth watching.
yes but was sad though, think about it jack was never right on time from the pub and the time he was it was too late.

it gets you thinking in a way about the ones around you, think about it if you went out to come back and found a loved on dead in the chair.

i witness my dad die at 18 years old im now 31, i still remeber as it was 30 minutes ago, i wouldnt wish it on any one, my dad died of a blood clot that travelled from his leg to his lungs everything was over in 10 minutes but felt like a lifetime.

so take the ones around you spend more time with them, cause i wished i did!!!!!
Makes you realise that time is precious and that we shouldnt waste our lives watching tv soaps lol
whats a vera then ?! :Devil:

I thought is was good - felt realistic and not camped up or twined with a silly side story. It was a respectful end for the character and in the world of soaps - thats a minor miracle!
There's a special tribute programme on ITV 1 tonight 'Farewell Vera' at 5:45pm
SHOCK NEWS!!!!!! I have just heard an unconfirmed news flash!!!!

I am actually terrified to write this just in case it effects planetary alignment but here goes......

I have been told (in confidence) that "Vera" is/was in fact just an actress!!!!! and not a real person!!!!!

I know that this radical issue could have wide spread ramifications for a lot of peeps on this thread but truly believe that honesty is the best policy !!!!

Now take a deep breath, wipe away the salty fellas and let me know what ya think?????
SHOCK NEWS!!!!!! I have just heard an unconfirmed news flash!!!!

I am actually terrified to write this just in case it effects planetary alignment but here goes......

I have been told (in confidence) that "Vera" is/was in fact just an actress!!!!! and not a real person!!!!!

I know that this radical issue could have wide spread ramifications for a lot of peeps on this thread but truly believe that honesty is the best policy !!!!

Now take a deep breath, wipe away the salty fellas and let me know what ya think?????

Such lies :p
as soon as i hear that music start its off upstairs in bad weather or out garden shame it cant be replaced by i wanna be soap star.:proud: