Unison members vote for pension strike


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Jan 19, 2004
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Members of the Unison trade union have voted in favour of striking against the government's plans to change public service pension schemes.

There was a 78% majority, with 245,358 in favour and 70,253 against on a 29% turnout.

The vote means there is likely to be a huge national strike on 30 November.

On Wednesday, the government offered to change its plans, which are aimed at cutting the cost of funding public service pensions.

Following the ballot result, the Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude called on Unison members not to go ahead with a strike.

"We listened to the concerns of public sector workers about their pensions and yesterday responded with a new generous settlement which is beyond the dreams of most private [sector] employees."

"Today's Unison ballot received a very low turnout - with less than a third of their members even voting - which shows there is extremely limited support for the kind of strike action their union leaders want," he added.
Another day off school for the kids
Kidding aren't you, i work in schools and worked on government contracts (customs, home office etc) they have it easy. Don't have any rights to do anything nowadays so they don't bother, and most teachers are so out of touch with the real world it's unbelievable (thats not to say the job isn't difficult at times with the way kids are)

Anyway, public sector workers have no idea how good they have it. Try working 60 hours plus per week when you get paid for 37.5 and you have to PAY for your pension. Getting sick of it to be honest, they should all shut up and get on with their jobs.

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the work might be easy but i wouldnt teach the little barstewards.a mate is a teacher in st helens asked a kid to put his phone away.the little ship stabbed him with a sharp in the leg. kid got a 2 day suspention.and becouse that kid was 9 nothink happend.but i agree the jobs does get them a decent pension.