Training Split and Whey Protein with Water?


Inactive User
Nov 5, 2005
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Ok ive finally joined the gym at my work place as its at the basement and for the price it includes all the classes.

What's the best 3-5 days split.
If 3 days was it - Biceps and Shoulders, Triceps and Chest and Back and Legs?

I'm thinking of either going 3 times a week or everyday?

Also im thinking of getting this -
Optimum 100% Whey 2.27kg Free Next Day Delivery £38.99 - Bodybuilding Supplements and Sports Supplements supplier

I thought this was the best as that review says its good for people who suffer from that digestion issue which leads to the runns.
I had this experience from most whey protein companies, so please guys do let me know!
Sounds like a good place to start mate.

Start at 3 days and see how you get on... People always make the mistake of doing too much too soon, end up burning out, taking a week off and before you know it that week off turns into 6 months. You need to lay down the foundations and prepair your body for more vigorous exercize first.

Lots of people work certain groups of muscles on different days, but I always try and work all groups of muscles in a single session becasue you get a greater hormone release which all helps to build and repair muscle and burn more cals, though I might concentrate more on one group on any one day, and try and work muscle groups with a mix of different moves, don't just use the same technique or lift day in day out!

So, best to have a day on and a day off and the weekend off. You need the off days so that your muscle and body can build and repair.

Your body will let you know when it can do more days a week without breaking. It's hard to get across if you haven't practiced any kind of martial art or yoga sort of stuff, but listen to your body, it will tell you what it is capable of and when it can work and when it can rest.

Don't forget about cardio as well. I normally fill an off day with 30 mins of HIT training on the exercise bike.

There is quite a bit of info in this section, so have a look around and you might see that everyone is different and it is a case of finding what works for you. Most importantly though, start off slow for the first few months and see what happens.

Someone else might beable to help you with the shake issue as I know not!!
You can train groups which work together:

Day 1

Triceps & Chest

Day 2

Biceps & Back

Day 3

Legs & Shoulders

Note that legs & shoulders don't work together, that day could be split in two to make a four training-day week if you need.

Day 1 is mostly the pushing exercises, day 2 is pulling exercises. It's possible to isolate them further but compound exercises are better when starting.

As for whey, I like the Reflex Instant Whey, it's got amino acids and probiotics in and I've seen it cheaper than that. I've not had any stomach upsets from the stuff.

I also like Reflex Instant Mass as it has low-GI oats and stuff in it. I tested my blood sugar after eating it and it didn't cause a big spike (thanks for the link to the free meter DavidH :)). It may not be best for a recovery drink in that way though, something with a simple carbohydrate in is better then.