Train The Way of the Dragon style.


Inactive User
Nov 16, 2004
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Found this on Delicious this morning. I think this is the rout I am going to go down. I started working out in an attemt to eventually join a kung fu school without looking like a pie and chips assasin, think it is easy to fall into the trap of just exercising to look good without much ability to back it up with - women don't seem to mind too much, which is dangerous... who just wants to be a pretty boy though?

How to Get Bruce Lee Like Strength Without Ever Going to a Gym | Zen Habits
Hey you, English. First post round these parts isn't it?

Do you do any kind psyical stuff, are you thinking about tryind some of these Bruce Lee style training? I am doing a workout later and am going to mix a few of these things into my weights. Had some great result a few years ago when I learned some Qi Gong and Tai Chi type stuff from books... holistic is deffinetly the way to go, sort of like only looking after the engine on your car and forgeting about the exhaust, breaks and bodywork!
it is easy to fall into the trap of just exercising to look good without much ability to back it up with - women don't seem to mind too much, which is dangerous... who just wants to be a pretty boy though?

Amen to that! You're speaking wise words as usual mate.

On a similar theme, there's a good article on the GymJones site where the fella talks about the same thing - the difference between training to have pretty-looking muscles and training to have functional strong muscles.

Gym Jones - Knowledge - Relative Strength

I think you'd find that a good read too.

(To be honest that whole GymJones site is full of amazing training articles and ideas. They're the trainers who whipped Gerald Butler and the other actors into shape for that film '300' so they know a thing or 2 about functional strength and hardcore Spartan style training.)